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  1. P

    Beauty Bash January 2015

    I noticed that the dates and times available for buying are the same as the invites sent out a month ago. It's a bit of a slap in the face for those ppl with invites who phoned in and were told "it was full".
  2. P

    Beauty Bash January 2015

    True. I've still got loads of samples from last years, that I still haven't used.
  3. P

    Beauty Bash January 2015

    Seems like I'm not the only one who got shafted for tickets to the BB. Quite a few other ppl got invites and tried to phone in and were told (by recorded msg) that it was closed and "hope to see you soon at a future event". This is QVC at it's worst imo. Why the heck would you send out invites...
  4. P

    Beauty Bash January 2015

    What time and date Bluebell? Only asking coz of my being "fully booked" message I got when I phoned to RSVP.
  5. P

    Beauty Bash January 2015

    K so I just tried to reply to the BB and it got a recording saying it has reached it's full capacity lol.
  6. P

    Beauty Bash January 2015

    OK, so I got an invite too today. Annoyingly I got the morning slot on Wed 21st. Not complaining, as I'm lucky enough to get invited, but last year I went to a morning slot, arrived at around 10.30pm and couldn't get ANY treatments I wanted as they were completely booked up. I never had this...
  7. P


    My cat likes it :)
  8. P

    Alli K Tweet!!

    There's an election next year? Wowzer, doesn't time fly. I'm quite impressed with the current thinking of DC that any UK citizen who goes off and joins ISIS abroad, should be banned from coming back and citizenship taken away. The USA used and still does revoke citizenship of the burning of...
  9. P

    Perricone TSV 16/10/2014

    It's well worth checking out their website. I wanted to buy the Chloro plasma, as it's had so many amazing reviews, but I worked it out that for £2.50 more than QVC (free postage included) BUT I got a free full size Cold Body plasma (£78). Their site has quite a few special offers. I will defo...
  10. P

    Perricone Special Free Offer

    It's just not clear to me. "Any other product from the Cold Plasma range". Does that mean I have to buy something else and then a plasma product?
  11. P

    Perricone Special Free Offer

    Could someone confirm that this is a legitimate offer or am I missing the small print.
  12. P

    Perricone TSV 16/10/2014

    Thanks for this. Shame the Chlora plasma isn't part of it. For some weird reason the Blue plasma makes my hands itch, not my face, just my hands after application. Weird eh?
  13. P

    Vionic TSV

    Anyone? Please.
  14. P

    Vionic TSV

    Hey all you lovely people. Anyone know what this could be on Friday 22nd.
  15. P

    Why is he not married?

    He bangs on about his partner and two kids all the time. I'm talking about Charlie btw. Do you think he's a commitment phobe?
  16. P

    Vionic Sandal TSV 01/05/14

    I like this brand a lot. I had a niggle/mild strain in my left ankle on and off for a year or so. Walking around in Vionic slippers for 1 to 2 hours a day completely fixed it. I also have fairly high arches.
  17. P

    Sarah Chapman TSV 30/4/14

    Yes, I've tried this range and it's very good. However, I already have the roller and some other mini's of her stuff still needed to be used up, amongst a whole load of stock piled Elemis, Gatineau, Liz Earle etc. I do recommend her stuff tho.
  18. P

    Alison Young Having A Sarah Chapman Facial

    Anyone know what the TSV is going to be on Wednesday?
  19. P

    Honora Pearls One Time Only Prices

    What's the TSV?
  20. P

    bareminerals surprise collection

    £35. Anyone else got one of these through an email, through their site and If so, what did you get?