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  1. W

    Best tops and t shirts

    I have just been watching the repeat of the Isaac Mizrahi TSV launch. They have moved off that and have gone onto different tops. I won't go on too much about a green top being actually called 'plum' because that is beyond ridiculous even by QVC standards. What really riles me is that stylist...
  2. W

    Liz Earle MBE announces her departure

    Thanks for this, I might just try it!
  3. W

    Liz Earle MBE announces her departure

    I totally agree with you on this. It is nowhere near as rich and is not a good consistency to massage now!
  4. W

    Liz Earle Beauty TSV 21/05/17

    It seems to have been a Liz Earle/ Lola Rose day. I feel you don't like those 2 brands you are stuffed really. I worked out that today Liz Earle was in for 18 out of 24 hours. Ridiculous.
  5. W

    How high can 5 females shriek?

    I know exactly what you mean. They have no idea how to speak quietly either. Everything has to be shouted out in a loud voice so everyone has to hear regardless of whether you are interested or not. Their kids are generally the worst behaved brats you've ever seen who don't understand or ever...
  6. W

    How high can 5 females shriek?

    I missed all the Lola Rose shows yesterday. My husband was in all day and we only have the one TV. He can't stand QVC so it's never on when he's in. The one positive is that is saves me money.
  7. W

    How many more ?

    Oh dear! I have just bought 3 printed beach dresses from Asda for £8 each!!! Hope I don't look too awful. Mind you I don't really care, I will not pay over the odds for a beach cover up which gets caked in suncream!
  8. W

    Liz Earle Beauty TSV 21/05/17

    Oh dear. I am really tempted by this but still have loads in my stash to use up. I will have to sit on my hands all day or make sure I am out and too busy to watch TV.
  9. W

    Correct me if I'm wrong

    I love rough towels and would use them over soft fluffy ones any day. I always feel like I have had a good exfoliation when I have dried myself.
  10. W

    Expandable Garden Trellis TSV 07/05/17

    Crikey, how cheap and nasty do these look? I would need about 5 to cover my fence but to be honest I don't think there's anything wrong with my wooden fence. This thing wouldn't offer any improvement anyway.
  11. W

    Many makeup models yet one makeup brush

    I think SJ is like such a lot of us in that her weight fluctuates. For some of us it's a lifelong battle to keep it off . Also she has been posting the odd photo on her Facebook page of her boyfriend who is a very hunky Fireman. Maybe she is just in that comfortable stage with him,enjoying meals...
  12. W

    Together on QVC

    I switched off because Silly Claire was on. I can't watch her anymore. I have just put the 6pm show on but it's Alison Keenan so I don't know how long I'll last with her machine gun voice.
  13. W

    The Huntley and her dress. Err, jumpsuit

    Oh for goodness sake someone please pass me the sick bucket. I have just seen her simperings video on Twitter and it made me want to throw this tablet through the window. I really used to like Catherine but she has become so self obsessed recently that she is unbearable to watch nowadays. She...
  14. W

    Matching handbags & shoes?

    I don't bother with matching anymore. My daily bag of choice is a red floral velvet Cath Kidson number. I love it because it's huge, soft, roomy and I can throw loads in it and wear it either across my body or on my shoulder. It has no "organisation" inside it, yet I can still find everything. I...
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    David Emanuel

    Yes, i completely agree with you. That's just what i thought when i saw his collection. I cannot believe the prices Clogau were charging for his hideous pieces.
  16. W

    Beauty event

    My husband and I are going for a long walk up the Moor. I am not going to watch so i will not be tempted! (Well that's what i am hoping anyway.)
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    Dyson Hairdryer

    I too saw her presenting it and just thought 'What the heck are they doing having her on demonstrating?' She is a pain in the backside.
  18. W

    Bibi Bijoux Fashion Jewellery TSV 21/04/17

    I watched the repeat of the launch show and thought the range had gone very tacky looking. The TSV itself is a monstrosity and like other have said we're on market stalls for less than a tenner a couple of years ago. They also really annoyed me as they kept getting all the jewellery coloured...
  19. W

    BundleBerry by Amanda Holden Items

    OMG! The flamingo snow globe is hideous. I wouldn't buy that for a quid from Poundland.
  20. W

    Chuntley extensions?

    There seems to be a heck of a lot of inane, pointless and nonsense conversations going on between presenters and guests. Such a lot of the time I am thinking "will you shut up and just tell us the important details about the products and not go on about your some irrelevant persons wedding. I...