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  1. W

    L'Occitane TSV 14/07/17

    Glad I went for today's Elemis TSV. This one is rubbish! How much hand wash do we need? It's in every TSV , or it at least seems to be. Not for me thank you!
  2. W

    Rise and rise of Catherine

    Here is a link to Catherine + her annoying mother's website. They know how to promote themselves don't they?
  3. W


    When did all this buying for teachers start? What winds me up is that I work for the local county council + am not allowed to accept gifts. However, teachers who work for the very same council are allowed to go home with armfuls of gifts at the end of a school year. How does that work? I have...
  4. W

    Clintons - up to 50% off sale on Yankee Candle

    There was a Poster up in my local Clinton's window today. I didn't have chance to look as I was dashing for my bus home after work. I will have a scan tomorrow.
  5. W

    Benefit Cosmetics TSV 20/06/17

    I thought the same. That lipstick is absolutely horrific. I would have preferred the books bronzer instead of that blusher in the first drop too. I haven't bothered with it. I used to love hi beam but think it give me too much of a pink gone and with my high colour that's not great.
  6. W

    Bad to worse

    I am absolutely speechless! Who put the poor woman in that blue lace dress? She looked awful. Wonder why they didn't truss her up vin some of the shapewear they are always trying to flog?
  7. W

    Thomas Sabo

    Thank you Vienna. I am sorry I must have missed your earlier post or skimmed over it. I am very tired at the moment. I appreciate these comments though because I really cannot stand jewellery that catches + clicks on clothes. As much as I admire this range I wouldn't want all my clothes clicked...
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    Thomas Sabo

    I love the charm bracelets from Thomas Sabo. I don't have one but if I ever came into some money it might be something I would treat myself to. The charms appeal more to me than the Pandora ones, there are some really beautiful ones that shout out at me. One day maybe........
  9. W

    Kim & Co Fashion TSV 10/06/17

    The models on the launch show wearing the whole ensemble of leggings ,tunic + bolero looked really ridiculous. I thought along the prints looked shocking + cheap. Wouldn't wear them even for a bet!!
  10. W

    How much more of the Cleeve can we take!

    Can't stand the woman. I switch off the minute I see her.
  11. W

    Catherine Huntley's Birthday

    No one is being nasty!! She was an absolute pain in the backside yesterday wittering on about her birthday!
  12. W

    Catherine Huntley's Birthday

    If I hear Catherine Huntley mention her sodding birthday once more live on air I swear I will end up throwing something at the TV. She is beyond annoying with her simperings today. Wish she would grow up!
  13. W

    Clarks Footwear TSV 06/06/17

    Not a very flattering style if you have thicker calves. Not for me.
  14. W

    Tell Me I AM Dreaming - Amanda Holden range now!!!!

    I tuned in last night and was mesmerised by Mandy's plastic looking face that hardly moved. Boy doesn't this woman love herself? That fake laugh nearly drove me round the bend but what really annoyed me was the photos of Mandy's house on Meehawls iPad. Lots of shots of her home with her tat in...
  15. W

    Tell Me I AM Dreaming - Amanda Holden range now!!!!

    Sycophantic, vomit inducing drivel.
  16. W

    Tell Me I AM Dreaming - Amanda Holden range now!!!!

    I so wish QVC customers would stop buying this celebrity tat. They might stop stocking it then. I had a glimpse at this range of AH and thought it looked cheap and tacky. I certainly wouldn't feel like royalty drinking out of those mugs like one reviewer. The wire chair sets are like something...
  17. W

    Katherine's White Jeans!

    Both her and her mum look shocking in white jeans. They nearly always wear white or paler coloured ones too. Neither of them have the slenderest legs and would do better sticking to the darker colours.
  18. W

    Tell Me I AM Dreaming - Amanda Holden range now!!!!

    She looked a right state in that bloody dress. How can people look up to this woman dressed like that? To go on prime time TV when kids are watching, practically undressed is appalling. I can't stand her and would not spend 1p to line her money grabbing pockets. I think getting these so called...
  19. W

    Best tops and t shirts

    And the number of people who say "We are having a movie night tonight!" I just want to give them a slap.
  20. W

    Best tops and t shirts

    Yes, I had a hideous mustard yellow tank top in the 70s that my nana knit me in scratchy wool. My mum used to make me wear it over a brown ribbed polo necked top. By the way I am just watching another Isaac Mizrahi show and Vonda has just mentioned wearing the TSV trousers with a 'boyfriend...