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  1. P

    New P & P prices

    Anyone noticed that this morning they seem to be charging a variable Post and Packing, from £1.99 - £2.95 and it looks like it's gone back to "per item". Only just tuned in, but I haven't heard any explanation yet.
  2. P


    I agree with you Phill, I think the screen is far to "busy" it detracts from the jewellery. I can never understand why they don't sit the presenters down at a nice desk and let them show the jewellery properly. Whilst I'm having a moan, why do they need a tv in the background ? The whole thing...
  3. P

    Presenters' Stupid Sayings

    I like her to, She's always seems cheerful and happy. Don't see anything wrong with a extravagant language. Would be very boring if all anyone ever said was " isn't it beautiful ". After all there's only so much you can say in a couple of minutes, and it must be very difficult to sell the same...
  4. P

    Double ggrrrr!!! Delivery service

    I too live in Surrey and have a moan about delivery. Why does it take so long for items to arrive? It took 4 days before it was even dispatched!! I have only purchased 2 items from this channel so far and have had a long wait for both.This channel is based in Hampton, about 10 miles from me, and...
  5. P


    I expect Stacey and Ruth need to work as many hours as possible. They left R & C in December so they probably haven't had any income for a month or so. John has other "irons in the fire" but I guess if you have a mortgage or rent to pay you have no option. Although I think those hours are a bit...
  6. P

    Crosses - opinions please

    I agree with you Miss Magpie. I am also a Christian, and I do wear a small white gold cross most of the time. I was in Cyprus a few years ago and an old priest who was selling oranges noticed my cross and started gabbling on in Greek, he shook my hand, indicated to the cross and gave me a free...
  7. P


    Like you my wrists are the only skinny part of me, wish they'd share the secret with the rest of my body... a 6.5" would be perfect for me, but I've never seen one on TJC. Had my eye on a tanzanite bracelet a few nights ago, but according to Stacey it was 7.5" Does anyone know if they can be...
  8. P

    The presenters on TJC look washed out

    It's been a long Winter for us all and I'm sure most of the UK looks washed out by now. Maybe they took notice of the advice to drop the fake tan, better washed out than orange. I think all the old R & C staff are doing fine at TJC and it's not like they had any option is it, R&C dumped them and...
  9. P

    gemsTV is the best for Freeview customers. Discuss!

    No they were "middle of the road" prices, they looked just great on the web site, but when they turned up they were very poor quality. Those I could keep I gave away as Christmas presents. Nothing amongst them that I would've been happy wearing. Maybe they are just going through a bad patch. I...
  10. P

    gemsTV is the best for Freeview customers. Discuss!

    Sadly I find it's the quality of the jewellery at Gems TV that lets them down now days. I have purchased a lot from them in the past, but lately most of it has been sent back. I know they're now sources from various different suppliers. But some of the jewellery lately looks as if it has come...
  11. P

    Stacey Ellis to join The Jewellery Channel

    I think to be honest the format is very different at TJC, it's a much faster with more jewellery to show. The R& C format was one piece and push it hard. So things are going to be different for both John and her. Don't forget there was also a lot of banter between the crew and the presenter on...
  12. P

    Stacey Ellis to join The Jewellery Channel

    I agree with you Graham. Can't be easy changing from one format to another TJC and Rocks are very different. As for the sniffing maybe she's got a cold or maybe she's nervous. Haven't really noticed it.
  13. P

    Please let this be a mistake!!!!!!!

    Sorry but I liked her, she was one of the only presenters who always thanked the crew for bringing in the jewellery, she seemed quite pleasant to me.. I guess it's another case of horses for courses.
  14. P

    why do people love TJC?

    I always liked the format of Rocks and Co., for the simple fact that it was simple to view. I am trying hard to switch to TJC as I agree they have some really nice looking jewellery and I'm fine with the presenters. I am really struggling though with the graphics all over the screen and what's...
  15. P

    New Presenters

    Looking at their website, they have an area "meet the presenters" on Thursday I noticed John Scott was missing, for obvious reasons, by Friday only Jerilee and Victoria were left....Maybe they have all officially left, but are coming back on a freelance basis until things are sorted out. Until...
  16. P

    The Caroline Lindsay Appreciation Thread

    Very Well Said Miss Magpie !!! I agree with you wholeheartedly. I can't care how you dress it up nasty is still nasty... and I think people sometimes forget everybody has feelings.
  17. P

    The Caroline Lindsay Appreciation Thread

    Hopefully I am open minded and prepared to give anyone a chance. As has been already pointed out, I am sure TJC would have checked Caroline's sales record prior to employing her. There are several presenters that I am not too keen on, but I am certainly not going to attack them personally. I...
  18. P

    New IT System - Its in!!

    Update.. Andrew rang me this morning to say that they had a few gremlins in the system still, but that they were sorting it out, and that he had put the items back in my basket. Thanks very much Andrew, I have now checked these out. But on the subject of gremlins, I couldn't pay with the card...
  19. P

    New IT System - Its in!!

    Sorry to contradict Andrew, but I placed two rings in my basket around 10.30 p.m. on Friday night one white gold with yellow sapphire and one yellow gold with green sapphire.They were both a bargain at £49 each, but I wanted to discuss them with my Daughter before I checked them out. As I...
  20. P

    Happy Birthday Rocks and Co!!!!

    I second that. I know I am not always happy with customer service, but I have to say that I have bought jewellery from all the other channels, and I really do think yours is a much higher quality. (You just need to sort out web buying...) A very happy birthday to ALL at Rocks and Co.