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  1. L

    Am Confused - Last Clicks now back at Normal Price

    I wonder if they were doing some changes to the site. I bought something recently for £10 in last clicks, checked earlier today and the price had gone up to £18 - now its back down to £10.
  2. L


    If it is in stock at the moment, get it into your basket and order it. Then ring up CS and cancel the waitlist one. Alternatively you could hold it in your basket while talking to CS - tell them that it is in stock on line and could they change your waitlist order to a confirmed one. I think...
  3. L

    Don't Miss Julia, Claire and Catherine Tap Dancing Tomorrow!!

    I thought that they all did very well - good on them for having the guts to do this!
  4. L

    Don't Miss Julia, Claire and Catherine Tap Dancing Tomorrow!!

    Thanks I've just been on the QVC website to check when it was on and could not find the details. I'm surprised that they did not put it on in the evening so that more people could see it! On the other hand maybe they are trying to encourage more of us to watch at 09:00.
  5. L

    Exakt Saw

    I bought one (different model I think) from QVC about a year ago. We used it to cut down hardboard which we lay on floorboards before carpeting. It did make our job a lot easier than using a Stanley knife, however you do need to press down quite hard in order expose the cutting blade and cut.
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    qvc addiction

    There is a programme called spendaholics on BBC 3. I don't kinow if that is the one that you are talking about? There are some repeats showing on several days at 04:40 and the next programmes are at 19:00 on the 10th, 13th, 15th and 16th October.
  7. L

    Email from QVC regarding TSV on craft Day

    If that is the TSV, then the price will be lower as £26.74 is the QVC price.
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    Summit Photofix

    Have you had a look at the reviews? There are quite a lot of them and seem a mixed bag. Some people appear to have had problems with the software and it looks as though the company is not interested in returning calls. I have not read all the reviews only the last couple of pages so this may not...
  9. L

    Karcher K2950 Pressure Washer-any good?

    No, they weren't selling it at my store. Must have sold out before I got there:)
  10. L

    Karcher K2950 Pressure Washer-any good?

    Thank you. The offer at Aldi for the Powercraft high pressure cleaner starts today, Sunday. Went this morning to get one and have already been playing with it. The one thing that IW are right about is that once you start, you keep on looking for things to clean. I'm very happy with the purchase...
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    order confirmation email

    Oh Dear! Whilst in principle I think this is a good idea, this does mean that it will be a little harder to hide all those goodies that one purchases without the OH knowing. It is tough enough trying to arrange the deliveries so that the OHs are not around to moan, now you also have to look...
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    Induction Hob

    I think you can check if they are suitable by trying to place a magnet to the bottom of the pan - it the magnet sticks you are OK, if not, then it would not work. Something like a fridge magnet would probably be OK. I thought I'd heard this mentioned on IW at some point but maybe someone can...
  13. L

    Still waiting for delivery

    Just checked mine again, and same as you -NOTHING THERE! I will keep on checking from time to time - hope that they sort out their site soon.
  14. L

    Still waiting for delivery

    Saphire I have just had a look at my account on the IW site. Until this morning it stated that the delivery date would be 2/9/8. It has now been changed to 10/9/8 so hopefully we will get the cleaning solution soon. I have not been waiting as long as you - Have you sent them an email complaining...
  15. L

    Karcher K2950 Pressure Washer-any good?

    That's OK! :) I would have been a little miffed if I had not received any serious replies to my question as I really was after some advice and honest opinions. I got some from a couple of kind people on here, so no harm done.:D:D
  16. L

    Karcher K2950 Pressure Washer-any good?

    Thanks Deanos Last w/e I did spot the K2950 being sold at the same price as IW (£99) on other sites so I suspect that this is not an IW deal but a Karcher deal anyway. Thanks for your recommendations, I do appreciate you taking the time to research the info and write it down here for me. Also...
  17. L

    Still waiting for delivery

    I ordered some on Sunday and am also waiting. Today I sent them an email asking why my order was still in progress and have received an automated reply that someone would get back to me within 7 working days! The annoying thing is that they are selling the items now and yet have not honoured the...
  18. L

    Karcher K2950 Pressure Washer-any good?

    I am seriously considering buying the Karcher K2950 Pressure Washer which is on offer for £99 at the moment on IW. Has anyone bought this or a similar item and is it as good as it appears? I would be after an appliance which would make it easier to: wash the car, clean the patio, wash windows...
  19. L

    EasiYo - My First Failure

    This has happened to me on a couple of occasions and like Sarah Pocket, I have poured out some of the water (about half) out of the yoghurt maker (external container) and topped up with fresh boiling water. After a few hours it did set and was absolutely fine. If this happens often, you could...
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    Joby Gorilla Tripod

    I think that there are 3 sizes (suitable for compact camera, slr, camcorder/large slr) You may find some more info here