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  1. C

    Rise and rise of Catherine

    Plus remember beth who became model for kirks folly. Plus the model who always did Tova hours?? Xx
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    Rise and rise of Catherine

    I loved Tania plus her little one liners made me laugh. I wish she was still at qvc. Remember another model called Jo, i may be wrong qvc got rid of her over something??. Then she appeared on ideal world and never saw her again xx
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    Cup of chance

    Don't they do cup of chance anymore?? I don't watch much but noticed no cup of chance. I was wondering if it had anything to do with social distancing???
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    Tweak'd By Nature TSV 24/05/20

    Thank you x
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    Tweak'd By Nature TSV 24/05/20

    Any idea how much this tsv is please x
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    Which presenters like/dislike their colleagues?

    Many years ago I remember Charlie saying that Jill franks was a godmother to one of his children. Claire is friends with Ali K and Kathy T. Saw pics of there all together on there blogs. Before meet the presenters changed format. Jilly shares a dressing room or use to with Alison Young. They...
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    Phone calls live to studio

    I haven't been watching too much qvc for a good while. It stops me from falling for the sales pitch esp beauty items. Have they stopped live phone calls to studio now??? x
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    Has anyone met any QVC presenters not at an event, outside work and if so what where they like?? x
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    L'Occitane woman

    She just reminds me for some reason like she's Victoria Beckham. I have thought like that for years x
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    Bluel light code

    My hubby is apart of the emergency services. He can't find code on his blue light card. Any help appreciated. Thank you x
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    CH - here we go again........

    Who is SH?
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    Butler and Wilson TSV Bag 10/11/12

    Does anyone know the item number for the above TSV Butler and Wilson Bag plz. Thank you xx
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    Liz Earle TSV 4th October

    I am looking forward to this tsv. I will probably get one for my Daughter for Christmas.
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    'The' letter

    It's awful when you are scared to send something back, incase of getting the Letter. QVC urgently need to inform viewers, of exactly what the 30 day mbg means. It is disgraceful to mislead there customers, when they are sending out these Letters or contacting customers via telephone. :confused:
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    Julia Roberts / Catherine Zeta Jones : Separated At Birth?

    Julia's hair is a mess. I also noticed Claudia's hair, it looked like it was covered in grease. Claudia use to have lovely hair.