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  1. M

    Things you're sick to the back teeth of seeing..

    I just switched over and they have a segment called 'Prepare for Christmas' and they're selling non slip clothes hangers. Christmas...clothes hangers.....I suppose it makes sense somehow.
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    Julia Roberts

    Ermmm, no. I'm much the same size as JR, big breasted and carry my weight around the middle with slim legs and I'm a decade and a bit younger and not bad looking if seen in the right light. I just find it irritating that she mentions her size (small) all the time. Just because a woman expresses...
  3. M

    Julia Roberts

    Sorry, but if Julia is a size small, everyone else on that channel must be microscopic. Why she feels the need to mention her size all the time, from her clothes size (small), to her small ring size (smaller than average) to how teeny, tiny she is in height (5' 5" is not that short) is beyond me.
  4. M

    Things you're sick to the back teeth of seeing..

    The salt and pepper mill which comes with, wait for it, a free one!!!!...and they light up too!!! One question. Why?
  5. M

    Things you're sick to the back teeth of seeing..

    The same three bloody models who never shut up.
  6. M

    Anna Griffin TSV 4/11

    I switched on yesterday afternoon and saw the 'gifts for crafters' section. Couldn't watch all of it but what a joy to see crafts other than boring old card making and papercraft. Please bring us more QVC.
  7. M

    Julia Roberts

    Somebody has to tell her that those freebie B&W smocks are hideous. Last week she wore a black top that followed her lines and she looked great.
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    PocketSurfer lite

    I have one. It's ok when you have no other choice like when on holiday but on the whole I wish i never brought it. The text input is labourious and hard. Best to get a phone with internet access, just as fast (even though the screen will be smaller but at least it will have a touch screen and...
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    TomTom TSV 2nd Nov

    I need a sat nav just for walking around London. Does anyone know if this sat-nav could be used with a mains charger?
  10. M

    Philosophy TSV 1st November

    I watched the presentation this morning and AY was saying that one of the choices was for people who 'wore white t-shirts and jeans' least it makes a chance from a white shirt and jeans. :18: Personally I fond the Grace fragances sickly sweet.
  11. M

    Molton Brown on tonight

    People get very fanatical about Lush but I think it's really over rated. I've yet to find a product I really like and the smells of some products, to me, smell a bit too natural, more mildew than anything else. However, Lush seem to be a thriving business so, once again, I'm clearly in the...
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    Mr Christmas

    I'm glad it's not just me, I really do have a hatred of fat little santas and jolly snowmen and happy penguins, in fact anything cutsey, therefore most of what QVC offers leaves me cold. Of course I'm in a minority I realise.
  13. M

    Tania Bryer - Cheap and Nasty

    I watched a bit of the show. Nothing appealed to me, it looked 'tinny' and very mainstream. As for Tania herself, yeah she's very good on TV but she was that bit too slick and she kept saying 'Charlie' every few seconds.
  14. M

    Charlie yawn Brook..

    Craig has a way with him, he sparkles, he seems to be a really nice guy (and even if he isn't he manages to get it across on TV which is a tremondous asset in Sales). Charlie, well, I don't dislike him, he is just very, very boring to watch.
  15. M

    kipling tsv

    The purple sold out and then I realised I had to have it so I sat there and patiently kept refreshing the page web page until one bounced back into stock......I don't need this bag but it's purple......did I menton it's purple?....oh, and velvet. :54:
  16. M

    Ideal Shopping Direct appoints Michael Hancox

    I just looked at todays tv guide and it's reached the point where IW is almost a parody of itself, we have endless pocket surfers, sat navs, car care and something I assume is a lawn mower......over and over and over again.
  17. M

    kipling tsv

    I wish the purple velvet would sell out. I want it but I don't need it. It's purple and velvet, two of my favourite things in one product!!! :1:
  18. M

    Ideal Shopping Direct appoints Michael Hancox

    I agree with all the above but especially about getting rid of the South African presenter (Joanne?).
  19. M

    Kipling experts, please advise

    I have the Jeel in lipstick red. It has a big front zipped pocket, two end zipped pockets, one zipped pocket inside, roomy central bit and a zip at the back, it holds my whole life. I got the last TSV and while it looks nice I find the strap uncomfortable on my shoulder.
  20. M

    Lily O'Briens Chocolates

    I was tempted by the offer but the fact they kept stressing the shelf life niggled me, I had the feeling that f I ordered them there would be something wrong with them......such is my faith in IW. :) If I was Lily O'B I would be hopping mad, what terrible publicity for their range.