Loen keeps saying 'isn't this exciting?'....errrrrr no.
You can't choose a colour or a style and they all appear to be ugly nylon clothes they couldn't shift......IW really have lost the plot.
I like Lulu Guinness as a person, I think she's rather sweet and quirky and it doesn't matter to me how a person speaks and I really love her designs, however, QVC are way off the mark with the prices of the bags.
I'll be honest, if I could afford it I woud probably buy her stuff.
Just think, we might get 4 day deals of his stuff, thats 4 days of endless repeats about the one item.......not too sure how we're going to tell the difference from any of their other products.
I didn't see the presentation but I can guess one of those tiresome models sauntered on, struck an awkward pose learnt from some 1950's catalogue and then couldn't stop their gums flapping about how pretty/practical/flattering it was and how they're going to order one because its 'so comfortable...
It's the fake laugh and the putting on of silly voices that irritates me. When she's on with Simon Wilson she's unwatchable with her in jokes and hair flicking and generaly behaving like a little girl.
Silly question I know but I know zilch about hair straughteners and certainly can't afford ghds but do all hair straighteners do the curly thing too? I have long thick straight hair and would love some lift and body and just can't get on with heated rollers and tongs.
The woman who 'designs' indigo moon needs to be hunted down and forcibly prevented from designing. Or else have her colour vision tested. Ugly, ugly, ugly, boxy 1980s style.
It drives me mad when the camera will focus on her and she'll hunch her shoulders, scrunch her nose up and giggle and then she'll throw her head to one side and laugh at something inaubile that someone has said in the studio.
Another order lost here. I would have loved one and would have happily paid a tenner for postage if I had to, but £35!!!
Sorry QVC, that's just greedy.
If you don't want a laptop I would think about a mobile phone with internet access, unlike the pocketsurfer (I have one and it's awful to use) the screen will be a touch one and text input will be easy, on the pocket surfer it's torturous. Also 20 hours a month free access provided by the pocket...
I like Glen too. He doesn't personally choose the awful clothes and he's doing what he's paid for (i.e. selling it). I bet he wouldn't touch some of the fashion with a barge pole but he can't very well say that on air.
I loathe the colour pink (probably one of the reasons Julia Roberts irritates me with her 'I love pink' stance), and I cannot stand anything pink and fluffy. I'm not a rabid feminist by any means but I'm insulted that manfacturers think they can pass any old tat off on us as long as it's 'girlie'.
Just flicking through the channels and saw that Professor Amos was on BUT he had who I assume is his son on air with him. Wow!!! If they show more of him I'll buy anything.......yes, I'm that shallow :21: