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  1. Twirl58


    Thank you so much! Billy will be pleased, he genuinely cares for the Wistie babies in his care. Although I have noticed that he tends to keep some of them for himself 😏 I think that I know why he didn't keep Milo 🙄
  2. Twirl58


    Billy Devitt is something of a local hero. He was made redundant from Thomas Cook when the pandemic started but he didn't sit and mope around. He turned his home into a cat rescue centre. If anyone is interested he is on all the social media platforms - Wisteria Cat Rescue. We got Milo from him...
  3. Twirl58


    Our Cats Protection branch have been offering hands free homing since last year. I was offered 3 kittens in the 2 months that I was registered with them but they weren't suitable for various reasons.
  4. Twirl58


    I ordered a rug from eBay. After a couple of days tracking said that it was being returned to seller. I contacted the seller and they said that it had been damaged by the carrier and was on its way back to them so did I want a replacement or refund. I asked for a refund. The next day it arrived...
  5. Twirl58


    I must admit that Charlie did have a little selection of coats and did have his own thick, black and white curly coat that kept him warm. We used to pop a coat on him when it was raining because we thought that it wasn't nice spending most of the day wet. Plus, because he only had little legs...
  6. Twirl58


    I'm afraid not, it was his little dead body tied up in a plastic bag that was found.
  7. Twirl58


    I have just read on our local paper that the body of a Sheltie pup has been found with a head injury. Chip shows that he was born 20/06/20 and linked to a pet passport showing that he was bought here from Belgium last November. Poor baby 😔
  8. Twirl58


    I abhor cruelty to any animal as I believe all right minded people do. One of the houses that young Twirlette visits has a friendly old ginger moggy. The children shaved its back so the dopey mare of a mother tried to sort it out and made it worse. Now they are going to get him a jumper because...
  9. Twirl58


    That's truly shocking. A neighbour of ours was bragging about a new job that he had a couple of years ago. He was transporting pets abroad when the owners have moved there although why the owner can't do it seems strange to me. Anyway, I have seen him trying to get his own dog out of his car...
  10. Twirl58


    What worries me is that we are hearing more and more about dogs being stolen for whatever reason. Carter is a beautiful boy but he has been neutered so is no good for breeding and I worry that if he was stolen what would happen to him when the ne'er do wells find that out? I wouldn't dare...
  11. Twirl58


    Our daughter has been trying to adopt a rescue dog for over a year without success. Every time she ticks the boxes to confirm that she has children, a dog and a cat she gets refused.
  12. Twirl58


    Our youngest Twirlette has a black lab and I didn't realise that litters can be mixed colours until she got Carter, I found that very interesting. I know what you mean about the house not being the same without a dog as we are going through the same since Charlie went. I wish you well with...
  13. Twirl58


    I agree. I went to the same hairdresser for almost 20 years mainly because the salon is at the end of my road and I looked on her as a friend. She even provided me with references for a couple of jobs over the years. Whenever she did my hair there was always a layer that wasn't quite right and I...
  14. Twirl58

    Attitude by Renee TSV 07/05/21

    We visited our local dockyard and had a tour of the submarine there. Apparently the submariners got a lorra, lorra wear out of one pair of underpants by reversing them front to back then inside out and front to back 🤢 Wouldn't want to have been one of their wives when they bought their kit bag...
  15. Twirl58


    I poked my head out of the front door when our Tesco delivery came does that count?
  16. Twirl58


    I had to laugh at a joke that our daughter sent me - what has 800 legs and 18 teeth? The queue outside Primark. 🤭 Sorry @stratobuddy I know that you are the real comedian.
  17. Twirl58

    Huh ! Being Off Air Didn't Last Long

    Oh please don't get me wrong, I love both of our girls dearly and I certainly wouldn't be without either of them. But there are times when I am glad that they don't live with us anymore.
  18. Twirl58

    Huh ! Being Off Air Didn't Last Long

    Oh I really feel for you. But at least you will have a new baby boy/girl to love. God bless you.
  19. Twirl58

    Huh ! Being Off Air Didn't Last Long

    Oh yes, had all that as well. She accused us of all that and more. I was terribly hurt that the support I thought that I was giving her during a very difficult pregnancy and afterwards was seen as controlling. It still makes me sad when I think of the terrible way that she treated us and her...
  20. Twirl58

    Huh ! Being Off Air Didn't Last Long

    Our eldest Twirlette didn't speak to us for 3 years. In the end I just phoned her as I was having a clear out and wanted to know if she wanted her old school reports. She was as nice as anything. Bought the granddaughters to visit as soon as she could. She carried on as if nothing had happened...