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    Gutted! Lola Rose!!

    What a poor response from QVC, as others have said I would get in touch with CS again and mention trading standards,usually does the trick with most companies lol
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    Nina Leonard TSV

    He mentioned his daughter wore one of the jumpers as a dress , never seen such hideous colours or material as in tsv. Did anyone see Glen the so-called fashion "expert" singing the praises of the tsv at dinnertime ,can't believe the buyers at qvc think this rubbish is fashion and they should...
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    I hate ironing , but get pleasure from seeing a completed pile of ironing , just a pity I'm the one that has to do it lol:31:
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    Basso Fri 19th Sept

    couldn't agree more
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    Why lie? IW please read!

    Agree with all that has been said , it is ridiculous the amount of c & c on iw ,don't why they don't change the name
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    Everything you'll need for a Cruise...

    lmao good one never seen such dire clothes , must get the kaftan for my next cruise lol:33:
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    The Pago Pago 'supposedly' designeresque snakeskin effect slinky pants

    I couldn't agree with you more , who wears kaftans ?the models look terrible in them so what chance do us mere mortals have lol
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    Pig of the Day

    Very funny Lol :53: hilarious
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    Laura Geller packaging

    Never had a problem with anything from LG ,unlike the packaging on MP lol
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    Which Top Coat/Quick Dry is Best?

    I have used the opi and like others have said i also found it went thick and gloopy after a few times of using it . I now use Seche Vite , so far so good
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    Basso Fri 19th Sept

    Hi everyone , just joined st today ,I am disgusted by QVC selling dennis basso products ,I didn't realise what a cruel *astard he was till I read the posts on here .I was considering buying one of his coats till I read about him on here but will keep my hard earned money in my pocket ,it beggars...