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    Centigrade - opinions please

    Totally agree with you , well said
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    What's the Gossip?

    Welcome Mystery , great post btw,lmao at the replies
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    Best Concealer??

    Can anyone recommend a good concealer for covering red broken veins? have tired lots ,but either don't cover or end up looking cakey thanks a lot
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    Call from IW Customer Services

    I hope so, the odd time I've seen something I would of bought from IW the indian call centre and appalling CS has put me off
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    QVC Pricing

    doesn't surprise me , has anyone noticed how much the p&p is increasing ?
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    are we being duped by ali young

    I never believe a word any of them say , I look at the product and make up my own mind whether I want it or not .I wasted too much money in the early days believing all the hype they spout , I even wonder if AY is a make-up expert some of her make-up demonstrations have been terrible !!!! At the...
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    Did I just hear right??

    yes heard him too , he seems a bit clueless to me lol
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    Yet more so called fashion

    I agree with you , who wears this so-called fashion ????lol
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    Miracle Eyes TSV

    totally agree , the poor 'model' looked worse after lol:53:
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    Nina Leonard TSV

    Agree please make it stop lol
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    Well I'm still a happy little shopper!!!

    Hi Diamond Lyn pleased to meet you :32:
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    Percent left

    Agree with you ,bring back Mike
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    Lieing again

    They obviously don't think people listen to what they say :33:
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    Why no more Start Prices?

    Thanks for taking the time to post all that information , was wondering myself about the start prices
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    Anybody actually bought anything?

    Anyone else got anything yet ?
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    I got a letter from sit-up this morning. Trying to rip me off

    All sounds very dodgy to me , I would go to CAB and ask their advice , it's free and hopefully they will help you sort out this worrying situation . Good luck and let us know how you get on
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    omg, rip off!

    Very good advice , I have also noticed that a lot of the things they sell are also sold at Netto a lot cheaper and no p&p !
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    Slow Refunds

    Disgraceful hope you get your refund soon:31:
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    Some more fetching finds..I've bought 'em all!

    LMAO very funny post:20:
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    Who's the hottest man on QVC?

    None of them do it for me ,but at a push Anthony