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    Aaahhh! Poor DB. Where were Goody and Sharon when he needed them most?

    Don't know about that , it's brought all this extra attention to his dress :thinking:
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    noises coming from Decleor presenter...

    Never noticed , but will listen out for her next time I watch
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    Nails Inc TSV Tues 14th February

    Shame it's not like that now :sad:
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    Aaahhh! Poor DB. Where were Goody and Sharon when he needed them most?

    Shame it wasn't him taking a tumble :tongue:
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    Debbie Flint Multi Sales Commission

    "The presenters on QVC are only doing their job, but the more they go on about buying one for yourself, one for the milkman, one for the lady down the road etc., the more stubborn I become and they then lose my custom, even if I did want the item." My feeling's too Toril , the harder they try...
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    Jilly Jones Easiyo

    Well she doesn't in the kitchen , so can't she her doing it when she puts her riding hat on , lol :wonder:
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    Jilly Jones Easiyo

    It really turns my stomach too , when I see her nails , wouldn't want her cooking for me
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    Nails Inc TSV Tues 14th February

    Ha ha yes checked them all and all present and correct :) , but I do wish Nails Inc came in nice packaging , instead of bubble wrap and a plastic bag , ok for myself , but wouldn't be happy if it was a present for someone
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    Returning items

    Always had to chase mine too , think a lot depends on the person from CS , some are great and others are not , I usually get the ones who are crap :sad:
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    Nails Inc TSV Tues 14th February

    OMG my Nails Inc tsv just arrived, never had such a quick delivery , well done QVC :clapping: ,why can't the delivery always be this quick ? After all we pay enough P&P
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    What's the point of selling any Thorntons on QVC when they are half price or less in all the supermarkets and no P&P either
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    Nails Inc TSV Tues 14th February

  13. B

    Bid Gardening Launch on Today

    By the time you've finished paying the P&P on each item , you'd be able to hire a landscape gardener lol
  14. B

    Intempo Evolve Anyone Bought One Of These Yet ?

    Couldn't agree more Paul-s :giggle:
  15. B

    Do QVC Read The Customer Reviews???

    I have sent lots of text into shows , things like does nn flannel bedding pil? ,3 times i asked that one , and things about animal testing on products ,is something completely natural? ,funnily enough they never air my questions ,seems they only like positive texts and no awkward questions :33:
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    BCC - what happened to half price?

    I know what you mean, but then again I never been quick enough to get anything before it sells out lol:33:
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    Hotp tsv 586926

    Welcome Craftaddict, new here too , at least QVC did the decent thing by you , and I hope other people reading your post that are unhappy with this purchase will now feel able to phone CS and arrange to send it back post free,as for them still airing the item nothing surprises me :33:
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    Exmoor Style - Sausage Man Returns

    :33: yes amazed too
  19. B

    What happened to Lindt?

    just go to tescos lol probably cheaper too:31:
  20. B

    xmas gifts!

    who buys presents for teachers , receptionists, check out girl ,etc ,it just getting crazy now I'm finding the selling pitches very off putting now ,the way we are told to try everything and send it back if it's not for you , as though it cost nothing to try:33: what about the P&P??