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  1. S

    Can you give a gnome a home this Christmas?

    Sorry thought this was a thread about Richard Jackson. :giggle:
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    In support of Nick Alsbury

    I must say i have e.mailed Nick in the past and he took the time to reply and offer advice. He seems a very nice guy not sure why he was getting bashed about his weight as it has no relevance to his presenting.
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    Cheryl Baker

    Are you Cheryl Baker touting for work? :-) :giggle: :giggle:
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    Canon SX50HS 12MP Bridge Camera TSV 17/10/12

    I think the retail price for this was supposed to be in the £450 region - wonder what QVC will offer it at and will they offer 4 easy pays. Might be interested if the price is right and the reviews are good. Sure the lprevious model got some bad reviews on QVC and in the press. Hope they have...
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    Xmas 'gifting' QVC style

    Perhaps a TOM TOM might be more appropriate? Lol
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    Jay cooper on watchdog now!!!!

    Is this why IW parted ways?
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    Problem with Grundig Stand Mixer - advice, please

    Perhaps another bash with the bottle will sort it out!
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    Wiggy Lee - it's a chestnut rinse

    That's the whole point of this forum!
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    Flint. Smarten up please

    I noticed DFs teeth were in need of a good clean and polish.
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    Wiggy Lee - it's a chestnut rinse

    I know i have an infinity to hating Lee when he presents on QVC but every time we come back to him he just repeats his self. Must be scripted. Has he mentioned his dear old mom or his jet set lifestyle in LA yet - every time he is on i just switch off now. QVC please note how many of these...
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    Annoying Tablet Woman

    She recently got married - i feel sorry for the husband!
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    Sausage Man!

    Is he the butcher that used to sell Bucclugh and the QVC Christmas meat?
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    Zumba tsv

    It's nice to see the QVC presenters demonstrating it - They look so unfit! :-) Debbie Flint looks she will collapse at any moment from exhaustion.
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    Is charlie dimmock pregnant

    Just Fat! She has let herself go, since the days, when she went bra less on Ground Force :-(
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    Not another digital camera tsv!

    I wish they would sell a canon SLR camera on easy pays. That would make a change from compacts and bridge cameras.
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    Who's the Apple guest? Where is Wiggy?

    Lucy Hedges was the guest presenter on the Apple hour and she also guests on QVC for Medion. I know her from Shiny Shiny, Stuff magazine and she was tech expert on Something for the Weekend. She should know her stuff, but she was not so confident in presenting the hour long Apple show. Maybe...
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    Is QVCs technology department up to scratch?

    To be honest i always Google the products they sell and read what people are saying - a little research saves a lot of wasted money and hassle IMHO.
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    The Dyson Lady.

    I enjoyed the hour - even though i have no interest in Dyson's ;-)
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    Ion TSV (Tues 17th July)

    The idea is great but my current cheap HP printer : HP Deskjet 3070A does air print and apparently scans to Ipad. Think it cost about £45 so much cheaper than the TSV. Apparently this model is expected to sell in the US for $60 _ QVC hiking the prices up again?
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    Tablet PC TSV

    Yes you can watch BBC iPlayer on Android Tablets, infact the iPlayer App was preinstalled on the TSV QVC were selling.