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  1. B

    Having to throw out Nailsinc special effects polish

    My galaxy went all clogged up too but I think it's just the formula, it seems to dry too quickly. I had the same problem with a matte finish and a graffiti NI too. The fibre optics I've got are fine though. X
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    Dyson DC58 Animal Hand Held Vacuum Cleaner TSV 21/12/14

    Yeah, hot engineer guy definitely helped! ��
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    Nails Inc TSV 19/12/2014

    There's a video up in YouTube now. I probably will get it as I need more Bruton Street and it's been sold out for ages!
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    Leighton Denny tsv 2/12/14

    It's purple. I had to.
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    Calico Cottage Fudge TSV 25/08/14

    Santa has brought us Calico kits the last couple of years, they have been fab. The red velvet has intrigued me this time. Looks like Santa will be bringing this kit for Xmas as they usually have quite long expiry dates on them. TY SCW for the heads up. X
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    Opi tsv 16/4/14

    I called Q earlier today and they said it will be dispatched tomorrow, so should be delivered by Thursday next week. :)
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    No No advice needed

    Can I just add that I love my No!No! I too have lots of light downy facial hair which could not be lasered. Epilating and waxing caused massive spots on my very pale skin. I use mine once a week and I have very soft re growth. It's worth trying on the MBG. It's made a huge difference to...
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    Philip Kingsley TSV 17/6/14

    Wonder if Heather Berry will be back on Q, guest presenting for PK? :)
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    Kelly Hoppen in DM and no mention of QVC

    I automatically thought Docs and Depeche Mode. Not that I spent my teens dressed head to toe in black or anything...
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    Nails Inc AD?

    Should be around the 21st as it's due every 90 days. The original TSV aired on 21/01. I put it in my diary because I lose track of these things! :) HTH x
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    No!No! Professional Hair Remover TSV 15/03/14

    Oooooooh forgot to ask, if EPs are not showing now, does that mean it isn't on EP or does that only show up nearer the time? TY. Xxx
  12. B

    No!No! Professional Hair Remover TSV 15/03/14

    Unfortunately, I've already lost a lot of money on a laser system. My hair is white blonde, so nothing like that will work. :( I've been using a facial epilator but it leaves such a red rash, even with antihistamines and propolis. It's a nightmare because whenever I'm in bright light or...
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    No!No! Professional Hair Remover TSV 15/03/14

    *Clearly I meant would NOT!
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    No!No! Professional Hair Remover TSV 15/03/14

    I plan to stick with it, epilating is leaving me blotchy (on my face). I had a laser and used it every week for 6 months, nothing happened. I rang their CS who said to give it another 6 months, which I did, with not a thing. I called back to be told it would work on my hair / skin combo but...
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    No!No! Professional Hair Remover TSV 15/03/14

    Just wondered if anyone has any info re price point and EPs? Think I'll give it a go if there's the extended MBG. My 'tache is getting out of control and laser treatment didn't work. Getting desperate! Ty xxx
  16. B

    Nails Inc 'Statement' AD

    Yuletide miracle!!! It's been delivered by Hermes as well as another Nails Inc order I'd placed. Yay! Well done Q. :)
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    Nails Inc 'Statement' AD

    Received a dispatched notification. Unlikely I'll get it today, so won't be taking it with me on Monday. :(
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    Nails Inc 'Statement' AD

    Hello, Just wondering if anyone who ordered this back in September had had any activity on their account with regards to this? I'd phoned customer service last week and was told it was due on the 18th. Nothing showing at all on my account yet and I was really hoping to have it by Monday...
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    Nails Inc Help

    Afraid not, the last TSV with AD was in lieu of an Xmas one. x
  20. B

    Nails Inc - Autodelivery

    Yeah, it should have been sent out by now. It's frustrating there's not a pic up, I wanna see the colours! I wonder if it's the remover part that's holding it up? They seem to have trouble stocking them. Hope it hurries up, I'm impatient! :)