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  1. StumpyBloke

    ST Facebook page

    What has QVC have done to make you feel like this? Are you seeking professional help?
  2. StumpyBloke

    Aww, little elephant in a spot of bother!

    That is absolutely beautiful and incredible in equal measures!!! Thanks for posting!! How people can hunt these stunning creatures is beyond me!!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  3. StumpyBloke

    New TV help please

    That's not a bad TV. All Samsungs come out of the box with most, if not all, of the digital enhancement crap turn on and colours well over the top. With a bit of messing about you can get a very respectable true to life pic out of Sammys. Where Samsungs (and some others fail) is on the bigger...
  4. StumpyBloke

    Watch out!

    Wouldn't surprise me if these are the same pieces of filth that are ringing up people pretending to be from Microsoft. They purport to be able to fix your PC errors remotely for free...of course the errors don't exist, they just want to defraud you! Scum should be hanged for preying on people...
  5. StumpyBloke

    John Barrowman..........

    I have to ask, how old are you? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  6. StumpyBloke

    Happy Birthday Pinkpussycat.....

  7. StumpyBloke

    TV 1080p.

    Nope, AV and IT has been part of my living, and hobbies, for too many years now :p I think, from what you said, that the presenter, whoever it was, thinks the p stands for pixels, rather than progressive, and that's why he said what he said. Am not excusing his lack of knowledge or presenting...
  8. StumpyBloke

    TV 1080p.

    PS rude much??
  9. StumpyBloke

    TV 1080p.

    Splitting hairs there methinks!! :p It is 1080 pixels on the vertical tv speak/land this means exactly the same as saying 1080 (horizontal) lines...and neither necessarily mean Full HD. And as noted, p is progressive (ie the screen in scanned once to display a frame) - i is...
  10. StumpyBloke

    TV 1080p.

    1080p = a vertical resolution of 1080 pixels 720p = a vertical resolution of 720 pixels Full HD = a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels :) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  11. StumpyBloke

    TV 1080p.

    It **IS** and does mean a thousand and eighty pixels, or am I missing something here? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  12. StumpyBloke

    Does My Bum Look Big In This?

    Absolutely beautiful! And he ain't grumpy...he's loving that!! :) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  13. StumpyBloke

    How not to sell a watch pt. 93458904538

    Think you are right. I've looked through their posts and the grammar ranges from perfect to completely illegible. Then, one of their posts point to an Indian Mart. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  14. StumpyBloke

    Abu Hamza

    If only... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  15. StumpyBloke

    An interesting alternative view for those advoccating the "hang 'em high" viewpoint..

    An interesting alternative view for those advoccating the "hang 'em high" viewpoint.. Absolutely with you on that one!
  16. StumpyBloke

    An interesting alternative view for those advoccating the "hang 'em high" viewpoint..

    An interesting alternative view for those advoccating the "hang 'em high" viewpoint.. I agree with PPC here. You could argue that druggies need and deserve help to rehabilitate...BUT...murderers deserve no help, no treatment...all they deserve is to be hung from the rafters after being stoned...
  17. StumpyBloke

    Now they are comparing ....

    We will have to agree to disagree :D Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  18. StumpyBloke

    Now they are comparing ....

    For once, there is nothing crooked about's actually a very accurate assessment/comparison. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  19. StumpyBloke

    Annoying Tablet Woman

    Oh, I like her... ... ...I'll get my coat... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  20. StumpyBloke

    Where's young Benny?

    Wassup with him?