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  1. StumpyBloke

    Acer Laptop TSV 16/03/13

    Faireesnuff...everyone to their own :) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  2. StumpyBloke

    Acer Laptop TSV 16/03/13

    You don't find the keyboard gets in the way? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  3. StumpyBloke

    Acer Laptop TSV 16/03/13

    My opinion is that touchscreen on a laptop is nothing more than a fad. It is not comfortable to reach over the keyboard to press the screen for more than a few minutes. It's a novelty on a laptop IMO. Have a look here for compatibility
  4. StumpyBloke

    Acer Laptop TSV 16/03/13

    It's not good value (what is on QVC?) but its not horrific...maybe just very poor value.
  5. StumpyBloke

    Air raid siren

    To me, even though I'm only 41, it's the most emotive and evocative sound! Cannot imagine what it must have sounded like "for real" back in the day :(
  6. StumpyBloke

    John Scott

    It might be just me be that sentence makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever!! :D
  7. StumpyBloke

    So when is Argos TV closing?

    Thanks Dips Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  8. StumpyBloke

    So when is Argos TV closing?

    Thanks Sazza. Looks like you have to be registered though to view the article. EDIT: no worries, found some other articles now :) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  9. StumpyBloke

    Pope resigns. Smell a rat anyone?

    Hypocritical &@£#€$¥!!!!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  10. StumpyBloke

    So when is Argos TV closing?

    Has it been decided then? I thought the big boss(es) still hadn't made their mind up? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  11. StumpyBloke

    Pope resigns. Smell a rat anyone?

    Good riddance!
  12. StumpyBloke

    Pope resigns. Smell a rat anyone?

    Spot on!!!
  13. StumpyBloke

    Pope resigns. Smell a rat anyone?

    Personally, I don't wish him a happy retirement! An abhorrent individual IMHO!
  14. StumpyBloke

    HP Convertible Laptop TSV 17/02/13

    Yup it will be very slow running on an Atom processor even a dual core one. Definitely paying for form over function.
  15. StumpyBloke

    HP Convertible Laptop TSV 17/02/13

    Rip off! 2GB RAM is a joke these needs a minimum of 4GB bearing in mind it's full Windows 8 and not Windows RT! And it's 2013, so where the hell are the USB 3.0 ports?? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  16. StumpyBloke

    Hunting Act - Please Help!!

    I've had no reply or even acknowledgement from my MP Bill Cash...I think it's because he's a Tory ****!!! And before anyone jumps on their high-horse (every pun intended), I am not saying everyone who is a Tory is a ****! :/
  17. StumpyBloke

    Hunting Act - Please Help!!

    It's just beyond me why anyone wound want this to be repealed!! What planet are these tw@s on?? It's about time they were hunted!!
  18. StumpyBloke

    Hunting Act - Please Help!!

    My prick of an MP, Bill "I'm a prick" Cash wants to repeal the act...piece of ****!! I have emailed the ****! Apologies for the language but this makes me sick! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  19. StumpyBloke

    Win 24 and that Sharnette

    My opinion is it is a genuine rip-off and only really deluded/stupid people would sign up for it. If there were loads of big winners there is little doubt IW would be singing from the roof tops, but instead we get the same old winners clips...that speaks volumes to me.
  20. StumpyBloke

    Blocking A Website

    Check for malwarebytes from When running through the setup wizard make sure you UNcheck installing a trial of the Pro version. When its all installed and updated, run a full scan. It's free for life and the best antispyware product out there. I install...