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  1. M

    Molton Brown TSV 01/10/16

    I wonder if JF or indeed any of the presenters ever watch back their shows. We used to have to do this when we gave presentations at work, it was to ensure we improved. Don't think QVC have a training department!
  2. M

    Molton Brown TSV 01/10/16

    My TSV arrived today and I'm delighted with it. It's great for gifts and the boxes are very nice. If you are on the fence and like the products I'd say it's a good buy. Also doing Christmas with this the price can't be bad when you see what you get.
  3. M

    Molton Brown TSV 01/10/16

    Well what a decision! Order done as I'm not impressed with the philosophy TSV. This really is for gifts so yeh I'm getting there.
  4. M

    Molton Brown TSV 01/10/16

    Thanks for sharing I can see a couple of Christmas gifts here
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    Tarte TSV 15/10/16

    I'm new to Tarte bought the last TSV and quite like it however, I'm not sure about the shades! I have light sand and it's too yellow at first I thought it's ok but my sister has twice commented that my skin looks to pale. In fact she asked I was feeling ok last time I wore it. Anyone out...
  6. M

    Beauty box coming to Q Friday?

    I'm sure all these products are samples so why charge postage for something which is free
  7. M

    Beauty box coming to Q Friday?

    Like this more than the last box but P&P puts me off.
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    Antthony Fashion Designs 20/09/16

    Brissles, you are so right this rubbish is more expensive than M&S I often pick up supermarket bits and they do look nice on.
  9. M

    Tarte TSV 15/10/16

    Lovely defiantly for me
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    Antthony Fashion Designs 20/09/16

    I just had to look on line to see what his GI dress up was all about. Thought I would pee my pants I laughed so much. Wow he doesn't own a mirror that man is nuts.
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    Kelly Hoppen Home Designs TSV 19/09/16

    Had to laugh she asked Chloe if the large pillowcase was called an Oxford!! REALLY knows her products.
  12. M

    Beauty Advent Calenders on QVC

    I made my own (with a pack) table gifts last year used the M&S advent calander. Everyone loved it. Didn't do the crackers as I hate the mess!!! Just little boxes with VERY nice gifts. I'm a Christmas bunny but like to think a sensible one x
  13. M

    Beauty Advent Calenders on QVC

    I'm loving this thread! Think M&S for me good price and last year it was great.
  14. M

    Beauty Day OTOs - 18/9/16

    Some nice offers I got the Molton Brown hand wash too. Like a bargain.
  15. M

    Goodbye QVC now the Christmas season is in full swing.

    I was on QVC page today as I wanted to look at TSV. Also want to see Anne Dawson's post of her sons wedding! Nosey me. A tweet came up from AK saying she's shocked as Christmas stuff in the shops! Even a picture. Well OMG how two faced she's flogging Christmas on Q.
  16. M

    Kelly Hoppen Home Designs TSV 19/09/16

    I bought a KH throw and cushions. Looked ok but they only lasted 2 washes before they frayed. It's made as cheap as chips but her name adds the ££££££
  17. M

    Beauty Advent Calenders on QVC

    Not a beauty one but Groupon have the Yankee candle calendar with £10 off today.
  18. M

    Jill Franks

    I really Agee with lots that's been commented on. However, do we really know that Jill has an eating problem. Or is she just a skinny Minnie . I don't like her sales pitch, don't like her fashion, don't like her I love everything. I'm a size 16 been bigger, been smaller but I still want to be...
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    high prices

    Amelia sorry hear things are not great for you but it sounds like you are in a better place right now. Keep taking baby steps and you will get there. Wish I could sew!
  20. M

    high prices

    This thread has been very interesting. To the ladies who say they were at home and QVC became a friend! I hope you feel better and richer soon. To others who have pointed out the facts of high prices, P&P cost it's just the facts. Yes smelly telly use technically hypnotic style and really...