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  1. M

    17/10/16 One Time Only Prices

    Thanks guys ordered as it is a bargin and looks very nice! Appreciate your help.
  2. M

    17/10/16 One Time Only Prices

    Hi folks. Like the Yankee oto. Can anyone confirm that this is a good bargin? I like it as a gift one for me one for you!
  3. M

    Molton Brown 5 Piece Body Wash Collection OTO

    I usually order on line but pick up in store so it's best of both worlds. Waiting for the discount which is due soon as I always order my Christmas gifts at that time.
  4. M

    Judith Williams Beauty TSV 19/10/16

    Vienna that's good to know I'm trying to cut down on my spend on beauty tried the Aldi caviar but didn't get on too well with it. I do buy TSV sets but always work out the cost per unit. I use some of the TSV products for gifts too but have definitely cur down on my QVC spending since I retired.
  5. M

    Philosophy TSV 09/10/16

    I used my TSV yesterday, in Amazing Grace showered early in the morning and the shower gel is lovely. Sprayed with the perfume around 9 am. In Costco a lady behind me in the queue asked what as was wearing as I smelt so nice! Not sure I could smell it but it obviously does last. Happy with...
  6. M

    Judith Williams Beauty TSV 19/10/16

    That's a good point May my sister will not pay high prices for beauty but does have nice skin. She's a real Aldi girl swears by their products. Likes the wine they sell too.
  7. M

    Judith Williams Beauty TSV 19/10/16

    I don't buy JW but my sister does. She bought the new cream at Aldi on Sunday and is convinced it's the same as JW. Smell texture etc all the same. She's delighted with her new purchase.
  8. M

    New hairstyles?

    AY would not be my beautician of choice! My girl is well groomed and an advert for her salon. Fiona from decleor is a great advert for the brand. AY should ask her for hair tips. (Don't really like Fiona but she is Good all round)
  9. M

    Tarte TSV 15/10/16

    Donna I think anything with Sand is going to be yellowish! Thanks for your comments on the shades I'm struggling to pick the shade for me
  10. M

    New hairstyles?

    Catherine was on yesterday showing her stained hands as she had dyed her hair and not worn gloves. She was eating for and did say my hands are not dirty it's dye! So yes she's darker. Must say she did eat the food and seemed to enjoy it.
  11. M

    New hairstyles?

    Don't really watch QVC much but I like Debbie Flints hair. Always looks healthy. But in my opinion the presenters need to dress/style and act their age. Baby voices, too much makeup and eyebrows although maybe I'm out of touch as I like a real toned done look as I get older.
  12. M

    Philosophy TSV 09/10/16

    Just placed my order iTs very good value. Strange that the TSVs are available so far in advance. Wonder if this one will sell out?
  13. M

    Beauty box coming to Q Friday?

    Well my boxes arrived today, if your on the fence I wold say go for it!! Surprised at the sizes and also how nice the products are. Well worth the £20. Looking forward t the next one.
  14. M

    Perricone MD Skincare TSV 05/10/16

    Thanks for the details but too expensive for me.
  15. M

    Perricone MD Skincare TSV 05/10/16

    I got the photo plasma in the Powder Beauty Box and have to say my skin does look better since using it. Don't think I would pay the full prices.
  16. M

    Michele Hope

    What a great post Maymorgan. I'm not a standard size in anyway but have a great dressmaker who does nips and tucks for me. She always says buy bigger but never tight as she can tailor the look. I tend to shop in the sales and it makes the alterations affordable. Julia would never get on with...
  17. M

    Cracker present?!!

    Well my motto is get the Christmas gifts done by end of November then buy for me. And sod the postie, van man, don't have a cat or dog and our crackers and cheap and cheerful then in the bin. Although we have lotto scratch cards on the table. I'm soooo common
  18. M

    Tarte TSV 15/10/16

    I want to buy this as I've decided to do a really nice Beauty Box for my granddaughter as part of her Christmas. Just want to keep the foundation for me if I can ever decide on a colour/shade. The light sand made me I'll so I'll try another.
  19. M

    Philosophy TSV 09/10/16

    I am watching this thread every time there is an update. I lived in Florida for a while and as it was so hot and humid looked for a light scent. Philosophy was my must go to and I fell in love with it. Can't say I noticed the musk, it's light and fresh the shower products are very very nice...
  20. M

    Beauty box coming to Q Friday?

    Just ordered mine too. My Grandaughter loved it so I got her one. The boxes are good value.