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  1. M

    L'Occitane TSV 27/11/16

    Another TSV that Ive decided to save on. However, I did buy the Powder Christmas box. It was £10 off and I really like some of the products. Now I need to avoid the Gatinau one......mmmm
  2. M

    Gatineau Christmas TSV 17/12/16

    I don't need this but keep say NO NO. It might be yes!
  3. M

    Christmas Beauty Advent Calenders

    I got mine from M&S when I bought some new trousers. The trousers didn't fi so took them back. No spend for me and still got my calander for £35! Naughty or what.
  4. M

    Super fast delivery!

    I have done all my Christmas shopping on line this year as I'm unable to get to the shops. Delivery has been VERY good and puts QVC to shame. However, my Decleor TSV only took 2 days. !!!!
  5. M

    QVC sending Celebs Beauty Hampers

    I agree may Morgan you have written a very touching thoughtful post.
  6. M

    QVC sending Celebs Beauty Hampers

    Thanks Lady Madonna, I know many families are going through hard times and I wish you and yours all the best. QVC just get under my skin with those pouty faced presenters and their smug I'm so good attitude. Life can be tough and every so often we all need a reality check. Celebrities have...
  7. M

    QVC sending Celebs Beauty Hampers

    Well I'm just about ready to go on a rant! 2016 has been my year from hell. My husband has been in hospital 3 times, my sister has had a blood clot on her lung, and most devastating of all my neice who is only 38 has cancer and a double mastectomy. Also my sisters and I (4 of us) are being...
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    Decleor Christmas Gifts TSV 19/11/16

    Thank Minx, it's been a tough year three times in hospital! We are getting there roll on 2017
  9. M

    Decleor Christmas Gifts TSV 19/11/16

    I ordered on Thursday and mine was delivered this afternoon. LOVE it! Tried the lip balm immediately, my husband has been in hospital for two weeks and my lips are dry and sore. It feels very comforting. Fastest every QVC delivery.
  10. M

    Benefit TSV 15/12/16

    Thanks I really like benefit
  11. M

    The Toe Posts Are Back!

    Those three in a room with their strange voices, so false ! I'm quite sure there is another side to all of those women.
  12. M

    Decleor Christmas Gifts TSV 19/11/16

    You will LOVE the shower gel.....My all time favourite bath product
  13. M

    Decleor Christmas Gifts TSV 19/11/16

    Yes Breeze it's hard to resist especially with EP. I just need to remember to try items I haven't used before in case of reaction.
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    QVC sending Celebs Beauty Hampers

    Ive cut down this year with QVC and just checked my account. Only bought Beauty TSVs and candles. Next year will be even less as I'm well stocked now.
  15. M

    Decleor Christmas Gifts TSV 19/11/16

    Don't need this but I have ordered WHY not tried the Magnolia. I've got a lot of TSVs to try but my resolution for next year is don't order any until June! The Christmas TSVs have been very good this year
  16. M

    Elemis TSV 13/11/16

    I ordered mine last Thursday still waiting! Thanks for the info re batch codes never knew about that. So much info on this page. Love it.
  17. M

    Elemis TSV 13/11/16

    The Elemis production line must be in meltdown. Keeley will be living well on her commission x
  18. M

    Marks and Spencer Beauty Advent Calender 2016

    Hi miss Molly yes I have ordered one, love the little boxes and I will reuse them to do stocking fillers. My girls love their beauty so will pop a couple in their stocking and keep the ones I love!
  19. M

    Marks and Spencer Beauty Advent Calender 2016

    Thanks for the heads up really want this !
  20. M

    Nails Inc 6 Piece Nailcare Cracker Collection OTO

    Thanks for the in store info May I've just clicked on it and bought a few nice items The best deal Margaret Dabbs set! Lovely gift box for my hairdresser (she's my friend too )