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  1. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Watching the Mulberry man on zoom is like visiting a relative in a care home ..... 'are they looking after you alright dad ?' '...he used to be in the silk duvet business you know'.... 'yes- he's told us.' Peter Simon says he takes his Mulberry duvet with him whenever he stays over somewhere...
  2. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Another lie that is told repeatedly in the Swan and Edgar presentations is that the watches 'are sold in the most exclusive watch boutiques in places such as Mayfair and around the world.' Where in Mayfair James ? Please share with us the names of a few of these exclusive boutiques.
  3. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Fake personal anecdotes are meat and drink to shopping telly presenters , in fact without them the whole industry would collapse. Mike has been telling them for years - one was about how he was staying in a first class hotel , paid for by a company , and he got such a good nights sleep that he...
  4. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Yes - it looks orchestrated. The wording on a lot of them suggests they have been done by Sally Jacks on her laptop.
  5. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    The Mulberry silk man is the most smug , pompous self regarding bore I have ever come across Teaming him with Dennice is a stroke of genius , as her ponderous , patronising and imperious style engages with his, so that we get the impression of two dinosaurs jousting in some prehistoric marsh.
  6. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    I I have put one complaint to ASA concerning Ideal World - it was a watch presentation and the ASA agreed that the code had been breached. They said they had written to Ideal informing them and advising them for future reference. There have been numerous other occasions where I could have...
  7. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Whenever a shopping telly presenter says the words 'my mum' you know a barefaced lie is going to follow. A classic of the genre last night from the Elixinol bloke - Birkett ???? He claims his mum 'my mum' tried fifteen different brands of CBD oil before settling on Elixinol- 'and this before I...
  8. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Peter was approached by a stranger who wanted to buy his Vostok , whilst Meltdown Mike was accosted by no less than five admirers of his Vostok in the bar in Greece. Kevin has an autopilot response which goes 'people will ask you about this , in the bar or down the golf club, in the bar or down...
  9. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    So Peter says , but he might just be making it up. An internet search of Fields Senior ( Antoni Fields as per the Swan and Edgar website ) suggests an unsuccessful property developer rather than a watchmaker.
  10. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Peter often says a watch is a hunter design or hunter inspired - he said it tonight. Unfortunately he doesn't have a clue what it means. A hunter is a watch with a metal plate to protect the glass , and a half hunter has a metal plate which can cover half the glass. None of the watches Peter has...
  11. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Peter is on with the Krups coffee machine - Krups is the byword for German engineering he tells us. He is no doubt thinking of Krupps the German steel manufacturer. No connection between the two. Krups coffee machines are made mostly in China apparently.
  12. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    He's not saying how hard the watch companies have had it in order to gain sympathy for them- he's saying it to suggest they have had to reduce their prices because of the pandemic , and now the viewers can take advantage of the watch companies misfortune.
  13. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    The hair is indeed a mystery , but so is the face - it appears to be heavily botoxed , and has a waxy appearance.
  14. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Here it is;
  15. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Like this you mean ? v
  16. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    For all who enjoy being revolted by Peter Simon , here is a classic;
  17. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    I have never heard him speak a properly formed sentence , so I really can't imagine he was equal to reading prose.
  18. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    The most boring ? The mattress shows 'Sleep isn't a luxury , it's a necessity' . Fashion 'really slimming , hides your flabby bits'. Proto-col 'my career as an elite athlete' What I really like is the trailer where Mike Mason comes out of the ladies wardrobe like a serial killer.
  19. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    ...... at least 'Maria our head watch buyer' got a mention , although I was disappointed not to hear the phrase ' many of our top collectors'. Perhaps I just missed it.
  20. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    RCA and Blaupunkt may have some continuity - a traceable connection to the original brand , albeit sold on. Swan and Edgar appears to have none. Similar in fact to Thomas Earnshaw where the brand name was registered in , I think , 2011. An equivalent would be importing a Chinese telescope ...