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  1. SisterBliss

    Aldi Health & Beauty

    I returned the nasty aftershave - portofino type thing. Gave Mr B a rash -smelled of bog cleaner & old spice. Unfortunately there are Chuggers in our store - puts me right off going in. I'm sure the other shoppers would prefer they were not there either - why do Alsi do that (retorical, as I...
  2. SisterBliss

    QVC UK Group on Facebook

    What is damask?
  3. SisterBliss

    Beauty Pick of the Month with Free P&P

    I might go for this. Do you know if there is plenty of stock?
  4. SisterBliss

    Beauty Pick of the Month with Free P&P

    I think the Americans with love him.
  5. SisterBliss

    Perricone TSV 30/1/25

    Thanks for your post. Unfortunately, the link isn't working right now.
  6. SisterBliss

    Catherine Huntley

  7. SisterBliss

    Catherine Huntley

    With a mental defect.
  8. SisterBliss

    Aldi Health & Beauty

    I tried the portofino type italian fragrance - 9.99. Ghastly. Smells cheap - reminiscent of Old Spice & irritated Mr B's neck, causing redness & inflammation. Really horrible, imo.
  9. SisterBliss

    Are their product is as good as they say ?

    Face lift, all day long, plus tweaks.
  10. SisterBliss

    The perfect Christmas present........NOT

    I'm still mourning the loss of the Dying Fly Emoji (DFE) Incidentally, you can buy these amusing looking jelly baby type sweeties in replica medicine packaging. The label says C**tibiotics.
  11. SisterBliss

    The perfect Christmas present........NOT

    One year we received A wooden. cheese. board. Possibly with a cutty thing, but it was **** nonetheless. What made it even more **** was that it was bought in the previous years Lakeland January Sale. Adding to the **** factor (is that possible?) was that he gifters had inherited (circa) 1.5...
  12. SisterBliss

    Liz Earle TSV 13/12/24

    Lets guess how she did that...Ozempic & social contagion.
  13. SisterBliss

    Has Chloe Everton left QVC?

    I am flabbergasted that this boy will eventually be in charge of a vehicle, when he is unable to make a simple snack or wipe his own arse ffs! That ****** up.
  14. SisterBliss

    Dressage by Paul Costello TSV 10/12/24

    Horribly stiff. Nasty.
  15. SisterBliss

    Molton Brown TSV 18/12/24

    Who's dog is this, Candy? We haven't had presents under a tree for many years as Obie opens them all! Awkward when he was at someone else's house who did have a tree with wrapped presents....until..........
  16. SisterBliss

    Catherine Huntley

    Of course she did (have a discount code:mad:) Was in news last week someone had died whilst taking Ozempic. The other details escape me.
  17. SisterBliss

    Bobbi Brown Black Friday Offer

    Good Offer, but I'm not keen on the face base. To much perfume & lacks punch in terms of moisturising properties.
  18. SisterBliss

    Catherine Huntley

    Saw Keeley yesterday doing Elemis Black Friday. Looks like words got round re Ozempic (sp). Newly thin to match her new teeth & new forehead.
  19. SisterBliss

    Catherine Huntley

    Chunts probably paid her to say it. Could be a bunion on one of her trotters.
  20. SisterBliss

    Catherine Huntley

    My dream is that Chunts would just Bum off.