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  1. C

    shh don't tell anyone

    I`ll boycott anything anywhere that even hints at the C word a month before the actual date!! Its my birthday and at my age I definitely don`t want reminding of it 6 months before!!
  2. C

    Sally Jacks.

    Well who would have believed that !! Must be an obscure corner of Burnley as she sounds nothing like the people I know from there!!
  3. C

    Sally Jacks.

    Where is her accent from? I can`t place it at all
  4. C

    Consumer Contracts Regulations

    yes Jacksmissis is right The original postage that you pay when you order something which by law should be refunded when the refund for the returned is goods repaid Both times I have had to ask twice for it to be refunded You get it eventually but its annoying I bet some don`t bother...
  5. C

    Consumer Contracts Regulations

    Not having purchased from I W for quite a while and recently returning two separate orders I`d like to ask is it normal after cancelling the orders by email quoting the Consumer Contracts Regulations requesting a refund inclusive of the original (that was totally ignored in the reply...
  6. C

    Fashion by Mr Max TSV 29/06/16

    I watched and SG was in full flow not stopping for breath endlessly saying the guest presenters name !! When she wasn`t doing that she was posing looking in the monitor at herself!! Another thing I`ve never seen a presenter wearing and advertising an item from another range and discussing it...
  7. C

    Discount codes

    Is there a web site that has current discount codes in for online buying I`ve searched for one for Debenham`s but just come up with current sale offers Other sites came up too offering just the same and most were out of date anyway!
  8. C

    Jackie Kabler

    Watching her on the Andrew Yu hour I`ve never noticed before how much she has the ability to be both gushing and insincere at the same time ...she also said how chic tops are without embellishment ...wonder what she`ll say next time she`s presenting a `Together` top as they are usually adorned...
  9. C

    Antthony Feashion Designs TSV 24/06/16

    He never was quite that outrageous in dress at one time ...I can`t take him seriously as a `fashion` designer when he thinks he looks ok dressed like that !!
  10. C

    Oh dear Jill

    Jill Franks loves Birkenstock`s so much she can`t even be bothered to wear them whilst presenting the show just now but is wearing a very high pair of her own wedges !!
  11. C

    Antthony Feashion Designs TSV 24/06/16

    You took the words out of my mouth Pandora How can you take any `designer seriously dressed like that!! The trousers Ali K is wearing look like different trousers on her than what the models are wearing I know she isn`t as tall but they look to be bigger and wider legged !! And that awful...
  12. C

    Self-Praise is no Recommendation

    My OH looked up from reading and remarked "What do they look like? They look awful especially the big one..who is she?" I said a stylist... reply" No she needs one" The `stylist` said its on three times a week in America and growing all the time ...they must be hard up to wear that rubbish!!
  13. C

    The 'Alternative' Moira C + your opinion of scarflaces?

    Yes that would be good if you could choose as I only like the odd one as I find them mostly too in your face and I`d like more self colours too in pastels not garish !!
  14. C


    I think its awful that no mention is ever made of presenters when they leave for a while or permanently Its as though they never existed Both IW and QVC are the same Its so distasteful and bad manners to them and us !!
  15. C

    Yk prices!!

    I wonder if IT really dresses in YK when she`s not selling it for all she`s worth on QVC ..not seen any recent pics of her as she isn`t in the `limelight` anymore since her divorce but the one I have seen her style of dressing was nothing like that!!
  16. C

    Simon Wilson

    I know his `wears` has a vast following but they do nothing for me at all They are far too garish in colours and size Maybe ok on the promo`s on models but not for normal daily life Many would give you neck strain!! They may have been different in years gone by Some of his broaches look as...
  17. C

    BareMinerals colours & QVC website

    Thank you Akimbo I`ve been swearing at my laptop since last week when they changed my version of the web site I hate this `new` version get a video playing whether you want it or not I use chrome on my laptop
  18. C

    CH giving misinformation

    Just heard CH tell everyone that you don`t get your P&P refunded when you return an item whilst showing a Lulu Guinness Handbag ... comparing it to train fair to London to go shopping How does she get away with that as it isn`t true is it?
  19. C

    Taya Haircare TSV 07/06/16

    The hairstylist isn`t a good advert for it is she?
  20. C

    Ali Young hair

    I stopped dying my hair and putting high lights in over winter year before last and thankfully my natural colour is an equal mix of my former brunette and silver grey My hairdresser friend who I hadn`t seen for ages thought I`d paid to have it done !!