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  1. Fraggle

    Please help - VIP membership

    Don't panic - you should update automatically over a period of time but sometimes Graham does have to update people manually. I would suggest you drop him a PM just in case and he will sort you out :1:
  2. Fraggle

    Smashbox tsv on sunday the 28th of september

    I suppose if the full size Halo is £32 alone then QVC can try to justify a TSV price circa £45-£50. Too much for me this time tho - will be hanging on for Philosophy and L'Occitane :1:
  3. Fraggle

    Never on a Sunday? Shrewsbury...

    Sunday's aren't too bad, the earlier the better! If you should be a VIP member Satis then you need to drop Graham a PM as he has had to upgrade people manually.
  4. Fraggle


    My mother irons everything religiously, I only iron shirts, trousers and tops. The day I iron knickers, socks or duvet covers shoot me in the head.
  5. Fraggle

    Smashbox tsv on sunday the 28th of september

    Post Removed
  6. Fraggle


    I'm sorry - the reason you didn't get a response was because a Mod had to approve you first. I can't help i'm afraid but now the rest of the forum can see this i'm sure somebody will have some advice - welcome to :1:
  7. Fraggle

    Manky Candles

    Thread here :D
  8. Fraggle

    Pasta Express - Any Good?

    Load of crap - don't bother! Mine came out as a mix of raw and overcooked :rolleyes:
  9. Fraggle

    alisons youngs little white lies

    Forums are forums, there will always be contentious issues and fall outs but we overcome them and the rewards you get from being an active member far outweigh these experiences. Unfortunately you need to develop a layer of thicker skin on internet forums and I would be lying if I said otherwise...
  10. Fraggle

    alisons youngs little white lies

    I'm sure Pinkearplugs (great name!) wasn't trying to offend but nevertheless we are judged on actions not intentions and what was posted was extremely hurtful. I realise others might see it as 'touchy' but you need to realise that for a lot of women who can't conceive, including me, the pain of...
  11. Fraggle

    alisons youngs little white lies

    You may well be right, but the remark as it was made was a complete generalisation and one that was extremely hurtful to some people. I wish people would think more carefully before just chucking out comments like that. I wonder how many more people who have read it have been upset by it :(
  12. Fraggle

    alisons youngs little white lies

    What utter and complete b*llocks. I am gobsmacked to see such a generalisation about women without children. Perhaps before you judge you should consider those who would give their right arm for children and have not been blessed, then you should consider how hurtful a throw away remark like...
  13. Fraggle

    Breast Cancer Care Event?

    I must have the wrong name Sazz, hopefully somebody else can remember, either that or I will suddenly wake up at 4am and remember! :rolleyes:
  14. Fraggle

    Smashbox tsv on sunday the 28th of september

    Thanks for your help all that posted on the Halo. I don't really need the rest of the TSV as as much as I adore Smashbox I can't use it all up fast enough and I have enough blushers/lipgloss/eyeshadows to last me 10 years :D, hence I have invested in a Halo from eBay for a good price - not...
  15. Fraggle

    Breast Cancer Care Event?

    Hope they haven't changed it, it's always a good laugh. The best year ever was about 3-4 years ago. We used to have an insider who's hubby worked for QVC and she would post beauty TSV's in advance for us (her name completely escapes me ATM :o), that year she managed to get a complete list of...
  16. Fraggle

    Smashbox tsv on sunday the 28th of september

    I'm going to ask a really silly question sorry - but what exactly is Halo? Is it like BE Mineral Veil? Do you use a Kabuki brush or the #29 brush? :o
  17. Fraggle

    Gnome Face - R Jackson

    I don't think there is anything wrong with disliking or liking presenters and the purpose of this forum is to allow that discussion. Perhaps though the differences come in the manner people choose to express their views with some posters going much further than others think polite. I will say...
  18. Fraggle

    Smashbox tsv on sunday the 28th of september

    You forgot milk bottle :D It has its drawbacks but there is one advantage - at least we always know which shade to order - the lightest one possible!! lol
  19. Fraggle

    Whats been your best buy ever?

    Don't fret chuck, I also find that nothing shows off the sparkle on a two and a half grand piece of tanzy quite like Bounty :p:D
  20. Fraggle

    Grey diamonique has arrived!

    Agreed 100%, Sue that is a simply stunning piece, much like the rest of your jewellery collection which, if I had a left bollock, I would happily sacrifice it to get my hands on lol I honestly don't understand why some people have to be so rude, even if that is their personal opinion, why say...