candycane i am a keen amateur gardener and if i want to criticize i will if i think a product is overpriced as for yourself you can spend all your money on his products if you like it's of no interest to me but just as good products can be bought for a fraction of the price and i have now...
Still prefer established plants they need less looking after initially and don't believe for one moment they could not make as good deals with certain established plants mail order nurseries can do it, but its neither here nor there i buy established plants when i can.
What on earth is wrong with selling a clematis that is a descent size at a good price instead of 3 small plants RJ keeps going on about garden centers selling grown on plants at dearer prices but most of us want quicker impact .
Personally i would not buy the bedding busy lizzies the big garden centers near me are not selling them and as far as i am concerned they have not been given the all clear the new guinea variety's are fine however.