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  1. Hillary

    'Yes you did. 'No I didn't'. 'You're a prat' 'So are you'

    What has happened to this forum? It used to be such a nice place. Yes, we often disagreed but we could all discuss our various points in a grown up and mature way. Just lately, whatever the subject, after 2 or 3 posts the thread descends into name calling, bickering and sheer nastiness at times...
  2. Hillary

    Shocking Pressure Tactics From Peter Sherlock

    Now Wirral, would a nice man like P.Sherlock do a thing like that? he's our best friend don't you know:wink:
  3. Hillary

    Shocking Pressure Tactics From Peter Sherlock

    Have you forgotten the example of his selling used on the radio to highlight the 'situp hard sell'? This latest example hasn't surprised me at all.
  4. Hillary

    Bid victimised by asa

    I have to agree about ASA. I made a complaint once but not about a shopping channel. It seemed to be dismissed as irrelevant whilst another, in the same vein as mine, was upheld. Like you, I couldn't understand the way their minds work. Re: the situps postage and packaging. I think you would...
  5. Hillary

    The top ten of tat!

    DODDERING PENSIONERS :devil:Ooooooo how very dare you. Next time I see you Bingo, I'll belt you with me Zimmer frame. Be afraid Ms Wings, be afraid
  6. Hillary

    The top ten of tat!

    I'm fortunate bingo. I have a full social life but not everyone is so lucky. Some posters on here have illnesses which make it difficult for them to get out and about and lets face it, there's not much going on TV these days. It must be nice to tune in to the shopping channels, just to hear...
  7. Hillary

    Hey Peter Sherlock...I smelled Shalimar yesterday........,,

    My husband wears Aramis Merry. I love the smell too
  8. Hillary

    DOTD - The Hair Group

    I heard he puts it in the washing machine on a delicates program
  9. Hillary

    DOTD - The Hair Group

    My husband who has very thick hair, only pays £6.50 (pensioners rates:wink:) he once offered to pay the full wack but the girl refused and told him he was entitled Forgot to say, I tried too. About 6 came up in my town but I couldn't click on them
  10. Hillary

    Suggestions for P&P

    And another thing. Our bedroom phone turned its toes up last evening so this morning we went to ARGOS and got a really nice one, very basic which is all you want when the damn things rings at 3am isn't it, for under£5. Now, just think if bid bought a container load of those, how much their...
  11. Hillary

    Suggestions for P&P

    Last year I bought a complete set of brand new Marple audio CD's and a half set of Poirot from for £30. They weighed a ton but the postage was free and the parcel was here in 48 hours. Now, if independent traders can do this, why can't bid? If they got their noses out of the money...
  12. Hillary

    Elizabeth Grant Creams

    Thanks for the info.
  13. Hillary

    Elizabeth Grant Creams

    It's funny you should say this. I met a lady in town this week, who used to live in our village and I haven't seen her for a couple of years. A scar on her cheek is very much less noticeable and she told me that it was Elizabeth Grant products which helped it. What a coincidence. I remember...
  14. Hillary

    Bid tv presenters salary

    There have been a few of them over the years who give the impression they would turn up for a packet of **** and their bus-fare home.
  15. Hillary

    Bijan VIP Perfume

    Didn't there used to be a 'cut-price' supermarket chain called Bejams? Maybe they diversified into cheap scents
  16. Hillary

    He's back!!

    Several years ago, when we had a holiday cottage, my ma in law once told the whole table at a dinner party: 'Oh yes, they (meaning hubby and me) love cottaging in the summer' I am told the stunned silence lasted a good minute:mysmilie_507:
  17. Hillary

    He's back!!

  18. Hillary

    Hey Peter Sherlock...I smelled Shalimar yesterday........,,

    Youth Dew (estee Lauder) always makes me heave. My late ma in law used to use it, and one Christmas bought me: The soap, hand cream, body cream, bath oil perfume and toilet water. I couldn't change it because my pa in law owned the store where she 'bought' it My favourite perfume then was...
  19. Hillary


    Exactly! Let's get back to those days. By the way I have 2 pairs of Cringles (sounds like something the doctor tells you you've got when you show him your rash) Bought them years ago and they are still going strong. ideal for walking the dog and Oh so comfy
  20. Hillary

    Bid tv presenters salary

    You forgot Peckam a la Del Boy