I had the misfortune of seeing this when I was flicking through last night. One of my pet peeves about this channel is presenters not demonstrating what they're selling (Genevieve used to be bad for this or an example I saw earlier in the week was Lindsey selling some foot care items, but using...
Flicked over about quarter of an hour ago and our resident know-it-all Peter Vol-au-vent was on with Genevieve, the pair of them selling a drinking water bottle. He really is like the proverbial unflushable turd that won't go away! Why on earth does it take two people to sell that item?
Peter Vol-au-vent seemed to be a permanent fixture yesterday whenever I flicked over to the channel. I noticed he is now an expert in pillows to add to everything else that he is an "expert" in. Why on earth do Ideal World need two presenters to sell pillows? And why on earth do Ideal World...
Mr Bean would've been an improvement over Mark Stewart.
I'll add Annie to the positives. It is a real shame that Simona has vanished and Heather has been reduced to being a model (nothing against that, think she can just offer much, much more to the channel in a presenting role) yet relics...
I can't remember who he was on with yesterday (may have been Edwards, I was literally quickly flicking through the channels quickly) but they were selling mugs again then.
Disingenuous was on the shift before so maybe it's pay Gen get Peter thrown in for free? Or maybe he just lingers around...
That's exactly the message I got, so I'm guessing it was a copy & paste job sent to all forum members.
I've never signed up to the Supporting Member program, as the email says I have, so that on its own is enough of a red flag for me and that it's a bit of a phishing exercise.
I saw the last ten minutes of this show last night (the TV guide said Simona was on at 22:00, sadly she wasn't it was Emma and her watches) and the food actually looked mouthwatering. Much better than Mark Stewart's anaemic, undercooked, unappetizing offerings that the channel had been offering...
Hopefully he can go and get a manicure now. Was absolutely rank yesterday seeing all those disgusting closeups of his long, chipped, rough fingernails when he was selling the cables (I think it was the cable).
I've been thinking similar these past few days as he seems to be popping up very regularly now. He turned up on Joanne's show last night and that was enough for me to switch off. It's bad enough we have to put up with Disingenuous Gen, now she's got her god awful husband on here. What is this...
The thing that stuck in my mind from last night was she was talking about a film that she had watched earlier in the day with her family and that she was cuddled up on the couch with her two nephews. Sounds nice enough, but she then goes on to say that said nephews are 12 and 16, and she was...
Like he would have attended that meeting if even they did have one! It's blatant that he does absolutely zero preparation and just rocks up and wings it. I bet he puts more effort into his opening monologue than he does actual research of the products.
Yeah, I've said previously that I don't know why they occasionally pair her up with someone as if there is one person on this channel who doesn't need someone to bounce off and can talk non-stop for four hours, it's Joanne! She tends to be on with Emma semi-regularly and Emma can never get a...
Made the mistake of watching a few minutes of Sally Jacks yesterday as she was on when I was flicking through the channels. She was flogging these rugs and was straight away urging folk to multi-buy then (get one for your living room, get a couple for either side of your bed etc.) then...
Rezzy was just an assistant, as opposed to a presenter, on Bid. I always found her annoying and she came across as a bit of a screen hog, always wanting to be on camera.
I've not seen her present for a long time but I thought Eilidh was really good in the dying days of Bid, one of the few...
Joanne was wearing a very bizarre combination of clothes last night; a nice retro blouse, jacket, skirt, like a smart business suit, but then these fluffy mint green socks! I'm guessing she was expecting to be behind the desk all evening and had on trainers thinking that no-one would see what...
She's also an alleged jewellery expert, a wine expert, an art expert and an expert auctioneer. As someone on here once described her, she's a "jack of all trades, master of none."