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  1. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Watched a bit of Pedro earlier. Was saying that Polti ask for Peter V to do the demonstrations. Like anyone at Polti knows who that useless bollock is!
  2. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    So this "holiday of a lifetime" which had been ruined, that she was complaining about all over Twitter was in fact a jolly probably paid for by TJC/Ideal World? You're spot on. a ridiculous heir of self-importance about herself. Anyone would think she was Mother Teresa the way she goes on...
  3. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    I actually came in to post about this. It was Lindsey selling some Opatra device. "Comparison price" was £11,996.99, whilst Ideal World were selling it for £899.99. If you could sell something for a shade under £12K, why on earth would you give an £11,000 discount on it and sell it so cheap...
  4. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Someone needs to have a word with Pedro, Foghorn, Disingenuous and Vol-au-vent.
  5. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    The only one I've seen is a scruffy looking lad with long hair and beard who looks like he's on work experience (I think he must do the late shift because that's what I tend to watch the most of, as opposed to dipping in and out throughout the day). Can't be more than his early twenties, if that.
  6. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Far more interested in creating fake texts from "Hammy" to amuse themselves than the well-being of one of their presenters.
  7. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    There's not a hope in hell that whatever has happened to Pedro's face was a result of walking into a patio door. Did he have the plaster on his forehead the day before, because I don't remember it? If he'd gone nose first into it, that could explain what's going on with his nose and eyes, but...
  8. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    This, spot on. He should have been sent home and never should have been allowed on air, or at the very least if you are going to allow him to present, he should have addressed the issue. Peter Vol-au-vent is usually loitering around the studio; have him earn his money for a change as opposed...
  9. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    I was another who checked out the YouTube feed of old Pedro after seeing the comments on here. What on earth has he done to himself? I was surprised he didn't even address the way he looked when he did his opening introduction as there was no hiding it. For all the sh*t we give him, all of it...
  10. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    I noticed Annie was selling the vacuum cleaner last night, all on her own without a hide nor hair of Peter Vol-au-vent. Why are Ideal World wasting money on this shyster when it's clear the other presenters are more than capable of demonstrating and talking about the item on their own? The man...
  11. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Good for her. Deserves far better than this shower. I thought Eilidh was QVC's cooking presenter though? I watched a bit of 'Cooking with Eilidh' the other night but she does no cooking whatsoever, just has guests doing it while she links between them.
  12. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    As someone who has worked in customer service in the past, if I was dealing with her case (haha!) this is exactly what would happen. Talk reasonably and calmly to me, I'll do all I can to help you out and rectify things. Shout and swear at me, play the big "I am", you're going to the bottom of...
  13. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    This might be my personal favourite: She really is unbelievable! Worked for a company that continued to sell items, taking customers money, knowing full well that they could go under (and did) and may not be able to deliver on what their customers have paid for. Has worked for 15-years...
  14. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Spot on. I've seen it on her (Jacks') socials in the past; she's the sort that complains about absolutely anything with the hope of getting refunds, compensation or some sort of freebie. Hideous woman!
  15. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    How can Natalia spend four hours a day (sometimes more when they bring Opatra back for later shows), seemingly seven days a week, talking about the exact same products? I'd be bored rotten if I had her job.
  16. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Mike of the Misinformation wanting no part of Ken Barlow's unappetizing looking kebabs, dragging poor Annie in to try them.
  17. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    A few photos I found online of Natalia in 2017. As long as she's happy, that's all that matters, but as someone who is not a fan of enhancements and the like, I much prefer her look here.
  18. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    It was looking very shiny this morning. For someone who professes to be a beauty expert and swear by and sings the praises of Opatra, the way her skin looks would be an instant turn-off for me. Joanne's skin looks infinitely times more better than Natalia's.
  19. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Has Vol-au-vent not got a home to go to? Then again, if you were married to Disingenuous, and it was a choice of listening to that motormouth with her ever changing accent or loitering around the Ideal World studios on a daily basis, professing to be an expert on all and sundry for the hope of...
  20. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Got back from doing the shopping, switched on Ideal World, saw Peter Vol-au-vent was on, switched off. At least with Sally, her shifts are always advertised on the programme guide, so if I know she's going to be on, I know not to watch. Vol-au-vent is like that proverbial bad penny.