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  1. Q

    Alpha-H TSV 11/01/17

    I went for it just for the double size bottle of Liquid Gold. Not really interested in the other two items but they're effectively free. Wish I could find a cheap dupe for Liquid Gold.... Anyone know of any?
  2. Q

    diet chef

    I don't really regard processed long-life packet stuff as food - or conducive to being healthy.
  3. Q

    Healthy Living with imedeen TSV 03/01/17

    Imedeen is basically fish scraps combined with a multi-vit/mineral supplement. You'd have to be really gullible to pay these kinds of prices when you could easily construct the same nutritional elements for far less even at Holland and Barrett let alone the Internet vitamin merchants.
  4. Q

    Alpha-H TSV 11/01/17

    Liquid Gold is the only product I actually like from this range, so far. Really don't rate the night moisturiser from the last TSV. Brought me out in spots. The eye cream wasn't up to much either.
  5. Q

    Who's afraid of Christianne Wolff?

    Not a good advert for her programme. Doesn't have any credibility when she's talking about keeping the weight off. She'd surely have mentioned if there was some "special" reason.
  6. Q

    Niod tsv 03/02/17

    Niod stuff is expensive. I do like DECIEM's other range, though, 'The Ordinary'. The prices of that are too good for QVC.... They'd show up just how poor value Pericone and the rest are...
  7. Q

    Akin a traffic light

    I think she looks best with her current dark colour.
  8. Q

    Bored...... yawn......

    And, remember folks,: "Christmas will soon be here......" Again....
  9. Q

    Doll 10 foundation twirly brush

    It uses a battery that's expensive but widely available (for example, on Amazon). Despite the hype about there being "nothing else like it on the market", the Doll10 version of the brush is just a rebadge of the standard brush made by Worth Beauty. You can buy additional heads and...
  10. Q

    Margarine AeroPilates

    Marjolein was blathering on about not being back again until the end of the year. What's happening? They normally have another fitness push just before the summer beach season. Is she off doing something else or has every one and her dog already got one of these clothes hangers?
  11. Q

    Studio lighting: Filmed in Gloom-o-vision

    What is it with QVC and its studio lighting? Since they did their "upgrade" of one of the studios earlier this year most of the fashion hours seem to be filmed on a set lit by a 15 watt light bulb. Is it so we can't see what the clothes are really like? They occasionally use the same set for...
  12. Q

    Alpha-H TSV 11/01/17

    Don't like the eye gloop. Thin, runny stuff with a pump that always dispenses too much.
  13. Q

    How many more sleeps until the music stops?

    I don't mind the Christmas jingle as much as that bloody old info clip with Will in his mismatched clothes talking about their "new" Hermes return service. His hammy acting with the cartoon phone is ghastly. We seem to have had it about every 10 minutes for the past couple of years....
  14. Q


    I like Katherine's voice. She at least doesn't sound common and can string a sentance together.
  15. Q


    Haven't seen the model Tanya on QVC for a while. Has she been put out to grass?
  16. Q

    OMG tan luxe turns model Kathy into an oompa-loompa

    At least she got a colour.... I just got the fake tan biscuity smell and stayed as pale as ever.... Sent it back.
  17. Q

    Home Reflections Flameless Candles Super Bargain Price

    These kind of things are in every Bargains & Madness, Home Bargains, and other el cheapo stores up and down the country. Can't imagine why anyone thinks this price+£6 postage is "super bargain".
  18. Q

    Hilarious anecdote - not!!

    She's a grade A air head.
  19. Q


    I do remember Clare Sutton, yonks ago, saying she didn't like sonic toothbrushes as she was presenting them!
  20. Q

    Gawd, Andi Peters is awful

    Flicked to the Q a couple of times yesterday to find there was a glut of Andi Peters. The bloke is so loud and Me! Me! Me! It was kind of pointless for the various food guests to even be there. He was too busy cracking unfunny jokes with Dale, the camera man, the producer, and anyone else who...