Well this lot think about 66! (I personally think she's nearer her husbands age.....90!)
I'm not usually unkind about people but I cannot understand that TOVA woman.
Is it me or does she love herself ever so slightly too much.
Its hardly natural beauty is it?
She looks more like one of Thunderbirds everytime I see her.
Does anyone think she looks good?
At least Joan Rivers can laugh...
I got one of these at TKMaxx for £5. I was chuffed. Great Christmas present for my niece.
But buy it from here cos its cheaper at them mo I think.
Me too, but this made me feel better! :59: Bagged a bargain on QVC.
Anyone got this?
It has some great reviews and I thought i'd ask the experts.
Just had a kitten so would like to use something easy for the cat litter that gets chucked out everywhere.
On easy pay too.
No I too have had loads of problems. I entered my details, then it asked for them again and again.
I eventually got it to work by clicking on the order status button on the left.
Keep trying.
SNAP! Really chuffed. I finally got in on QCut though. I could get it on line but not put it in my basket no matter how many browsers i opened.
Thanks for everything guys.
Spent plenty!!