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  1. Clare

    Beauty gift ideas

    The gift ideas is ridiculous, just seems an excuse to sell rubbish!
  2. Clare

    John Barrowman..........

    I like him, makes a change from the usual presenters!
  3. Clare

    Clarisonic question

    I prefer the Mia find it much easier to use and I only ever used one speed on the original one I had, love mine and wouldn't be without it!
  4. Clare

    How flipping tall is Richard Ward??

    Me too which is what puts me off Philip Kingsleys products!
  5. Clare

    The Presenters

    Me too I thought DF was Debbie Flint until I saw 'he' and had to think about that one!
  6. Clare

    Elasticizer - opinions?

    I have been tempted many times but, never bought it mainly because it seems to be such a faff, I use the Ojon Restorative which seems much easier to use and it works great on my hair!
  7. Clare

    Decleor or Elemis ?

    Definitely Elemis for me, it has really helped with my oily skin and my skin definitely looks better, Decleor oils and balms are nice but, nothing else in the range is great, for my skin anyway - Hydra Floral made my skin quite spotty.
  8. Clare

    Clarisonic tsv again 28/07/12!!!

    I love the Mia, I use this every day, glad to see QVC are finally getting this, really good price as well.
  9. Clare

    Ernest Borgnine has died

    Poor Tova, such very sad news, RIP Ernie xx
  10. Clare

    Yankees and Black Smoke

    Would highly recommend the shades although i use the toppers more but, either are good - the worst ones for sooting are the 2 wick tumblers I have a few left so not sure what I am going to do with those as we decorated in the spring and don't want to risk it
  11. Clare

    Elemis or Decleor Oils?

    I love Elemis Bliss capsules they really agree with my skin, I have used Decelors oils in the past and they are lovely but, didn't get the wow that I get from elemis, love Decleors night balms though.
  12. Clare

    Why no black ladies on QVC?

    I'm nearly 40 and I get called girl quite often which I probably prefer more than lady or woman I don't like 'lady' makes me sound prim and proper and reminds me of Little Britain, Woman just doesn't sound right - I guess its a term that won't please everyone, Colleague is probably the most PC.
  13. Clare

    Why no black ladies on QVC?

    The black people I work with say that black is not offensive so strange the police would say that, how would you refer to them? Coloured is offensive they say, I am often referred to as white at work (not in a derogatory way just if someone is looking for me and someone will say thats the white...
  14. Clare

    Yankee Candle TSV........ 17th May

    Couldn't agree more!
  15. Clare

    LIz Earle Delivers

    I've ordered direct from BB and agree the delivery is so fast and no charge!!!
  16. Clare

    Elemis more lies

    Couldn't agree more, I like KA & AY too but, there are some I don't like and I sure wouldn't sit there waiting for them to say something not true because I disliked them so much just waiting for them to trip up! I have far more important things to do :nod:
  17. Clare

    Ojon Tunu Hair Tamer

    Thats rather scary, I have very thick hair so haven't noticed any loss and have been using Ojon for 3 years, I wonder how hair products can cause hair loss, very strange :thinking:
  18. Clare

    Ojon Tunu Hair Tamer

    Tunu has definitely gone, I used to like the spray, I don't think they produced a replacement for it, could be wrong though but, haven't seen anything on QVC
  19. Clare

    Clarisonic Sonic Facial System Super Bargain Price

    I thought so too until I got mine, now I think they are worth every penny
  20. Clare

    Ojon TSV Sat 19th May

    Hope it has the new hair oil: