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  1. Red

    Philosophy TSV 1st November

    Going to give this a miss as it is just too expensive for what amounts to be a short lasting body spray rather than a longer lasting perfume. I do like Pure Grace but I cannot justify £60 on it. :(
  2. Red

    Help needed on Kipling Bag Please

    Or here is a patent one.
  3. Red

    Help needed on Kipling Bag Please

    Could it be similar to this but a smaller version? Welcome to the forum! :)
  4. Red

    Bare Esenctuals TSV?

    Foundations are too dark for me, thankfully, as I really don't need any more make-up. Very happy with Laura Geller's B&B at the moment.
  5. Red

    Smashbox tsv on sunday the 28th of september

    I'm afraid so, and I REALLY wanted to like it. :(
  6. Red

    Smashbox tsv on sunday the 28th of september

    I also sent mine back 2 days ago. :(
  7. Red

    TSV 14th October- Technique II Knives

    Cath, why don't you give QVC a call as they've extended their 30 day MBG until 30 days after Christmas now. If you explain that these are for a pressie they might be willing to adjust your MBG too. I did this a couple of years ago and they were happy to do that. Worth a call for peace of mind. HTH
  8. Red

    TSV 14th October- Technique II Knives

    Mine too! :35: Greeted the Postie with a huge grin. He's not my usual postie so he probably thinks I'm not the full ticket! :18:
  9. Red

    TSV 14th October- Technique II Knives

    Still not arrived with postie this morning. :( I am beginning to think QVC pay for an inferior delivery to second class as some make up I ordered took 2 weeks to reach me by 2nd class! I always thought 2nd class was supposed to take up to a week? Unless QVC are telling porkies with their...
  10. Red

    TSV 14th October- Technique II Knives

    Even though I ordered these at 8am on the 14th, they were not dispatched until the 16th. Same for some other items I ordered - 2 to 3 days before they are even dispatched. Seems to be getting worse....
  11. Red

    Kipling experts, please advise

    Looking at that list Satis, I think if you were going for Arkan you'd need the large! lol :D
  12. Red

    Kipling experts, please advise

    I have the Arkan (medium one I think - they do 2 sizes!). If you tell me what you want to put in it I'll try to fit it in mine for you and report back if you like! :) I do love the Arkan. I also have the Candy but prefer the Arkan. Also the Mando is quite roomy.
  13. Red

    Beauty Day - What Have You Bought?

    Are they better than Shavata tweezers please? I need some new ones as I dropped my fave (Boots!) pointed ones down the gap in the floorboards last week! :11:
  14. Red

    Beauty Day - What Have You Bought?

    Thanks Marzy. The reason I was tempted is my best friends surname is Denny and I thought her 11yo daughter would love them because of the name. May just grab a couple off Ebay instead. :)
  15. Red

    Beauty Day - What Have You Bought?

    I've been tempted by the Leighton Denny and I don't even do my nails!!! :11: I've never tried this brand, is it any good? Thanks. :)
  16. Red

    2am Philosophy Hour - Soda Fountain Trio

    Oh you know me Mrs J, I feel the need to hibernate every now and again - helps keep me sane! :D
  17. Red

    2am Philosophy Hour - Soda Fountain Trio

    Oh there's a surprise, the video clip has been removed.... :33: QVC spies been here again? :54: Just as well I took a screen shot of it, eh?
  18. Red

    2am Philosophy Hour - Soda Fountain Trio

    Just taken from their website. Any use? Says the higher price on the right in their details but if it was the Debbie Greenwood demo they aired and you watched on TV.....
  19. Red

    SanDisk Sansa Fuze 8GB MP3 Player TSV

  20. Red

    BCC Anything arrived yet?

    Can you not turn it around so that the ribbon is on the back and the plain side shows? :33: