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  1. Klosblue

    TJC Survey - they even get this right!!

    :mysmilie_465:Just realised that I missed a word out of the title of this thread! Should of course read 'They can't even get this right'.
  2. Klosblue

    TJC Survey - they even get this right!!

    Got it away at last! It was all down to the name and address page. Because I had one line blank (nothing to put in it!) it wouldn't send! :taphead: Anyway, I bet they'll wish it hadn't gone after they read it :giggle:
  3. Klosblue

    TJC Survey - they even get this right!!

    I received an email asking me to complete a survey. Seeing this as my chance to express my feelings about various aspects of TJC, I sat down and completed it. However, when I got to the last page, entered my name and address and pressed 'DONE' it said I hadn't answered the question marked *. I...
  4. Klosblue

    Clearance.... is it misleading newer customers????

    It may surprise some to hear but it's Matt who is a qualified Barrister. Since learning this a few years ago, I've never been able to understand why he's flogging bling on the telly when he could be making a considerable salary as a Barrister!
  5. Klosblue

    Have we all turned off?

    I guess we've all turned off TJC, bored to death of their 'days'? No posts for a while so obviously we're not very excited by what they have to offer. I haven't watched since John left. I'm afraid whole days on the one gemstone drive me insane and are completely pointless imho and the 'Under £10...
  6. Klosblue

    Silver Jewellery!

    This lot have always been a 'high low' company! High prices, low gold weight, high amount of treatments, low in telling the truth! I find it very amusing that they're now selling silver. Previously they poo poo'd anyone selling silver and were so far up themselves it's no wonder they constantly...
  7. Klosblue

    Bye John!!

    I totally agree that everyone has their own opinion and I have some very strong opinions on some presenters. However, I would NEVER make a negative post in a thread saying goodbye and where fans of said presenter were leaving lovely comments about him/her. I am very sad that this thread has been...
  8. Klosblue

    Bye John!!

    Today TJC lost their greatest asset - John Scott has just finished his last ever TJC show. How they can let him go I'll never know. They should have broken the bank to try to persuade him to stay but instead they give favouritism to awful presenters like Chloe Marshall, Screaching Stacey, Vicky...
  9. Klosblue

    Constructive Feedback to TJC

    My reply is on my post "TJC have lost their way" which is very similar to this one so no point in posting my views again.
  10. Klosblue

    TJC Have Lost Their Way IMHO

    :mysmilie_61: What a brilliant post! A perfect description - thanks for making me laugh on this dull, miserable Sunday morning. :mysmilie_508:
  11. Klosblue

    TJC Have Lost Their Way IMHO

    I totally understand while times are hard just now, that TJC made a very clever business decision to offer gemstone jewellery in silver. I have no doubt this has brought in good money for the company and obviously the 'under' days have been very successful - they must be because they're on...
  12. Klosblue

    ? Quantity

    It's just a shame they don't act on our feedback about their presenters then isn't it? Just imagine the joy for PPC if a certain MS Chloe Cheryl Breton Cole departed! :giggle:
  13. Klosblue

    Caroline Presenting

    :mysmilie_466: Please tell me you mean producer Caroline and not Caroline Lindsay!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know TJC have lost their way recently but if they've given 'the mouth' a job then I'm having channel 650 surgically removed fom my telly!
  14. Klosblue

    Victoria Norris Heads Stateside

    Do you think if I say something nice about her she might take a few people with her? Starting with Chloe Cole Breton Marshall, Liz Fullofherself and her old mucker Screaching Stacey? :thinking: Now what one good thing could I say about Mrs Norris? Oh I know! Victoria I like your father-in-law...
  15. Klosblue

    Victoria Norris Heads Stateside

  16. Klosblue

    chat went poof

    What gets me about the Chat is the bunch of newbies who came along and now believe they were there from the beginning and have the divine right to rule the roost! The people who really were there from the beginning, long before the 'newbies', never go into the chatroom now and I for one haven't...
  17. Klosblue


    One thing that really annoys me (apart from the mispronunciation of Chalcedony etc) is when they say "One to Owns" instead of Ones to Own! Basic English I would have thought. Just heard SS saying "we have two One to Owns today" !!!!
  18. Klosblue

    Screeching Stacey

    I agree with you 99% PPC. I think 'the management' really need to think about what the viewers want rather than selecting presenters who they like for some obscure reason! It's just a pity they can't get the stats on how many viewers mute the volume when Chloe Cole, Screaching Stacey, Liz...
  19. Klosblue

    More Horrible Stuff!!

    I think Screachy Stacey with the verbal diarrhoea gave a big clue to the quality when she was showing a large diamond cross and said "oh they're diamonds, I thought they were white topaz"!! Don't think they'll be SI G-H then do you? :giggle:
  20. Klosblue

    Largest Auction Ever!

    I have to agree with you PPC, it should be renamed "Californian Tat Day"! It looks like cheap kiddies stuff and it saddens me to see this sort of rubbish sold on a channel like TJC. Must have a massive profit margin for them to lower themselves to this level methinks!