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  1. LE lover

    First Andrea Mclean now Lisa Snowdon!

    I'd have respect for Myleene klaas if her career and profile was based on her talent. Whenever i see her she appears to be promoting what a wonderful "yummy mummy" she is. Natalie Cassidy is another one,I can't stand these types of women.
  2. LE lover

    Debbie Flint's Shoes .....

    I didn't see the show but just from looking at the pic , it screams fashion victim to me. I have to confess in the 80's i wore leggings with heels like that, but in my defence i was young and it was the 80's. Debbie has always lacked style imo, her hair and make up are dated, those leggings...
  3. LE lover

    My mum

    Beautifully put Nikki, I lost my darling dad 3 years ago today. The pain i felt was as like someone had ripped my heart out, nothing gave me comfort and i felt like my whole life had changed forever. I grieved and didn't care because i was hurting so much. After a month i came on here and...
  4. LE lover

    Anything Goes! With Pipa and Debbie....and John Barrowman....again!

    I wish he'd b***er off. He's like a spoilt child constantly craving attention
  5. LE lover

    Jill Franks Handbag Queen

    i haven't quite recovered from AD crawling to LG's assistant this morning. The way they all suck up to her is embarrassing to watch. Jill is quite hard to defend sometimes.
  6. LE lover

    Omg how disgusting Alison

    Eeew to sharing a toothbrush, can't even comment on Akimbo's suggestion:eek: without feeling a little queasy . Yes Ss that dress is exceptionally tight and not particularly flattering.
  7. LE lover

    Who's a big Softy then?

    I had a Gollywog too and i loved him, lHe had striped trousers ,bow tie and smart jacket. I miss the days before the pc brigade came along and we could just be kids and enjoy our toys. my old teddies and dolls live in my mum's loft, every now and then she.mentions that if i love them so much...
  8. LE lover

    Just switched off

    Well i deserve a medal because i stuck with it, not sure why because i can't stand AD and not the slightest bit interested in LG bags or her £50 coin purses. So why didn't i switch over? I was fascinated at the sychophantic ramblings of AD to a guest who was as cold as ice and looked like she'd...
  9. LE lover

    My mum

    Petpixie,I'm so sorry to hear about your mum,I know from reading your posts that you have been a loving devoted daughter. Unfortunately nothing i can say is going to ease your shock and pain. All i can say is we're here for you and i'm sending you love,strength and a very big hug. xxxxxx
  10. LE lover

    Jill Franks - a nutrition expert?

    She looks fit and healthy to me,thin does not equate to not understanding about nutrition. She has real enthusiasm when she discusses "A healthy lifestyle" product.
  11. LE lover

    Easyo advice please.

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions, I will try less water. Burlz i am jealous, that's EXACTLY how i want mine to look.My Greek doesn't even come up like that. Right off to try a new batch.
  12. LE lover

    Yong Kim TSV 8/3/13

    Is everything that now has a hint of another colour in it going to be referred to as colour blocking?
  13. LE lover

    Yong Kim TSV 8/3/13

    Goodness me, Ingrid tarrant is on now and looks an absolute fright. More tattyl than trendy.
  14. LE lover

    Yong Kim TSV 8/3/13

    yes i kept expecting her to slap her thigh. The TSV looked dreadful on her , too long at the back and totally shapeless.
  15. LE lover

    Easyo advice please.

    I love my Easyo and don't have any problems with it setting. I can't ,however, seem to get the thick consistency that they get on the demonstrations. Any tips please? By the way has anyone tried making the chocolate truffles made with the Greek yogurt and oreos;, i may give them a try but...
  16. LE lover

    Very very unflattering....

    Bless her, she really is stuck in a rut, in clothes that do her no favours. She needs Gok to sort her out, sadly she looks like she's had advice from Glen. On a positive note she's one of the best presenters.
  17. LE lover

    Ads on this main page??

    I've got an Asian dating site down the right hand side and a huge Syrian refugee one going across this page. Its very hard to scroll.up the page as it keeps getting stuck.
  18. LE lover


    Absolutely, they deserve what they get, which looks likely to be a stretch behind bars.
  19. LE lover

    I see that the Little Ray of Sunshine is back

    I'm sorry you lost your friends at such a young age, that's awful. My point is we all know the dangers of too much sun and its an individuals decision making an informed choice what they do. Ay and Abi spend more time discussing how ageing the sun is than they do talking about skin cancer.
  20. LE lover

    I see that the Little Ray of Sunshine is back

    I wasn't implying you were Nicky , its Abi and AY i was talking about, i get the feeling they are the types who feel the need to spoil everyone elses holiday by going on and on about the dangers of the sun.