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  1. Diane

    Versatile Versa Knit

  2. Diane

    Ped egg what a waste of money!!!!

    I think I paid £3.99 at the market and I'm very pleased with it. I have manky feet (sorry tmi) and it certainly does the trick!
  3. Diane

    The rising cost of P&P on QVC

    If I see something I like, I check it out on Ebay - that way I can choose exactly what I want (not 106 items for £25 plus P & P) also often the postage is much less.
  4. Diane


    I thought she looked as if she was probably on painkillers and frankly seemed out of it when I watched some of Craft Day yesterday, as I gather she has problems with her shoulder. I can't say she is a favourite of mine, but she didn't seem her normal self. The poor love was in a lot of pain...
  5. Diane

    Craft day tsv

    Interesting that the TSV wasn't even limited - says a lot, I think!
  6. Diane

    Could you help me please with customer services

    This also happens on the non shopping channels, it's most annoying, I'm convinced they do it so you can hear the telly from the kitchen whilst making a drink - lets face it, no one wants to watch adverts, they are just a pain in the neck and interrupt the programme. shame there isn't a button to...
  7. Diane

    your secrets

    Well this thread has made my day! thanks to all of you for giving me such a great giggle, it's cheered me up! and I agree with you all...why would anyone want one?
  8. Diane

    Do I need EasiYo in my life?

    I got one from Ideal world, used it twice - but now it just sits in the cupboard collecting dust. got loads of packs of mixes but they've all gone past their sell by date, must throw them out! so much easier to buy a pot from the shops!
  9. Diane

    Cardmaking for men TSV??????

    hear hear! But I find QVC lacking in anything for men. After all theres 101 gift ideas for mother's day but do they do the same for father's day? don't be silly of course not!
  10. Diane

    Eyes down for Anthony Heywood

    I so agree, I hope he stays put, he's great and especially with Dawn!
  11. Diane

    Sorry but Claire Sutton..

    I think she's great! always happy & cheerful and takes a lot of trouble with her hair. Well we can't all like the same presenters can we?
  12. Diane


    Well I bought the hometek (pick of the day Ideal World) and its absolute rubbish. If you are thinking about the H2o mop, take a look at the reviews and then you can decide.
  13. Diane

    Bamix 4-Day Deal

    too expensive!
  14. Diane

    Where is the value?

    Well it isn't always V for value, you do have to check carefully the prices and I often find things cheaper on ebay (especially for Benefit make up as my daughter loves that) or even other sites. Always makes me laugh when they say if you bought all this seperately it would cost blah! but you...
  15. Diane

    Samsung NC-10 as low as £253 + easy pay

    WE ordered a pink net book from them - ordered on Monday nihgt and deliverd on Wed afternoon. WE are delighted with it - many thanks to Deanos. The vat offer has finished, but they are doing £50 cash back now (on certain things).
  16. Diane

    Pillow fetish?

    no I'm with you, it annoys the hell out of me too! pathetic! grhhhhhh
  17. Diane

    A quick question about craft clearance

    wow where do you live? My craft shops are very expensive and there's no way I could buy cheaper from them. the internet...I agree is cheaper often and not the hassel of trying to ring Ideal World up.
  18. Diane

    Problem logging in to account

    I've been blocked twice now which is so annoying. I had to ring to place an order and then just as I was giving my credit card security no, the wretched thing said it had been declined so they were putting me through to a didn't someone say they were moving back to the uk? Do...
  19. Diane

    Problem logging in to account

    And me, so I couldn't get the jingle bears which sold out! so I tried ringing them the next day (as it was 12.30am at the time and customer services would have been shut!) and waited 6 mins 28 seconds and gave up. Sent them an email and a few days later they've sent me a very strange...
  20. Diane

    Recorded Delivery Returns

    Our man at the post office (is a real sweetie) always tells me not to bother with recorded delivery - he says all it does is puts up a red flag - look out I'm important for all and sundry to see. He says there's no tracking whatso ever on it and that I should use guaranteed delivery which I can...