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  1. SiRich

    Random musings and general banter.

    'go and enjoy these' - a 9.99 beach mat/tarpaulin, :unsure: They clearly just messed up and flashed up an advert for it on amazon prime where it is £9.90 with free delivery. Any now that tangled mess of a hose - no thanks.
  2. SiRich

    Random musings and general banter.

    Rob seems like a really decent bloke, one of the better presenters its a shame he always gets punted out to the late shows
  3. SiRich

    Random musings and general banter.

    Simon looked like he was dressed in his scruffs ready to put up some anaglypa ! He couldn't resist that gurn with his tongue rolling round his gob at the end. Weird f***er 😄
  4. SiRich

    Random musings and general banter.

    Legend in my book. Essential Sunday night viewing for 14 years in simpler times, I can still happily watch them on repeat now (tho I am a bit of a saddo!).
  5. SiRich

    Random musings and general banter.

    Teeth must need a bit of fixadent, he just said an original ‘ground mont ‘:LOL:
  6. SiRich

    Random musings and general banter.

    Oh dear Simon looks like he has been bunking in his local Wetherspoon's for 5 days And ‘one of the great swiss watches of the world’ shut it man
  7. SiRich

    Random musings and general banter.

    I do really like the styling of the marine chrono think they've got it spot on, not for me though Mikes patter aint cutting it!!! Im keeping my IW purchases low end, low risk, currently purchases limited to a William Hunt fragrance and a fleece blanket!!
  8. SiRich

    Random musings and general banter.

    she is one of worst ones and extremely false, although then you get the absolute bs queen jacks talking shyte on these collagen tablets and as though she has influenced her surgeon to prescribe them and they have super healing properties cos her mates joints were fixed after taking them on her...
  9. SiRich

    Random musings and general banter.

    we have got a Dyson animal, about 3 years old, have replaced the brush head recently (is it true the brushes wear down and don't pick up as much? ) and I bought an aftermarket filter to twist in the top (after the dog chewed the original) which have given it a new lease of life, it picks up a...
  10. SiRich

    Random musings and general banter.

    Peter Volevent-Isles would be appropriate given the lame excuse for a demo being used for this gopping cheap vacuum cleaner. I would question his description of a 'pile of dirt' looks more like some seeds to sprinkle on a continental breakfast.
  11. SiRich

    Random musings and general banter.

    Wow, it's a tad disturbing the way he is gushing over the hedgehog and frog....not to mention the white trainers, fake tan and finger nail lacquer. ok on reflection, Deeply disturbing.
  12. SiRich

    Random musings and general banter.

    its a shame that gone are decent brands, as we know IW are deluged with these cheap tat products from china that will be landfill in no time at all. Suspect homesmart is just the box it comes in, I googled the product name CR518 that was on the bottom of the product and it threw up a couple...
  13. SiRich

    Random musings and general banter.

    a by product of the crematorium at a guess!
  14. SiRich

    Random musings and general banter.

    A solution to a problem that doesn't exist. Thankyou dumb and dumber.
  15. SiRich

    Random musings and general banter.

    is her other accent 'mrs browns boys'!?! 3 of the collagen for £23.33 a bottle direct. Extra £5 for first order too so can be had even cheaper.
  16. SiRich

    Random musings and general banter.

    Oh crikey, the magical properties of emu!! something fishy when you google lorem emu balm it shows 121 reviews 4.9 but do they really relate to that product? (sounds like you embed an API for a company in the HTML) , as only 5 reviews apparently 'verified' on the website no links to 121...
  17. SiRich

    General Banter and Random Musings

    ....a Hamilton Beach matching set ?!
  18. SiRich

    General Banter and Random Musings

    I don't wish to take sides but that was a decent post and want to wish you good luck, a tip I was told (I have worked for a large PLC for 30 years) in business is to keep the emotion out of situations and stick to the facts. At the end of the day you are in business. Try move on, perhaps put...
  19. SiRich

    General Banter and Random Musings

    Seems like it’s truly down the pan if things are getting nasty and the gloves are off. I can't say anyone here deserves to be called a 'nasty person' from what I have seen. Folk are sounding very bitter. Alex Knowles might have been the excited kid in a sweetshop but perhaps should have kept...
  20. SiRich

    General Banter and Random Musings

    from what i can find here kitty they dont have to have fire labels in bedding.,compliance%20with%20fire%20safety%20requirements.