Hi missmolly...
I packaged them all up very quickly (!), but from memory the fringe in the medium brown had tones of red/copper....didn't even bother trying on the medium brown TSV as I'd already tried the dark brown and the style just didn't suit me..
mine are going back too...
ordered the fringe (looks hideous on me!), plus the TSV in 2 colours (medium brown and dark brown)...neither colour looks right, but to be honest the style of the TSV looks totally wrong on me anyway :-(
when they first introduced the customer reviews, I tried to add a review under Angelgab and they didn't allow that either....very odd, no explanation...I just had to use a diffeent name
I get caught up in the hysteria!...although i must say, I bought the Elitech stick hoover last week, and so far that's turned into a good buy...(it will probably fall apart tomorrow..hahaha)
You're not alone Merryone; last week I spent £12 returning two naff jackets and a Tommy & Kate set of tops back to Bidtv (or Pricedrop)...when will I learn :o(
Hi Eyepye....same here!!...they're all still alive (just) but NONE of them have flowered AT ALL...how disappointing...I was expecting big WOW flowers...just have a few leaves....so annoying :angry:
Just received my Pink ring...I don't like it (what did you think of yours Rooby?)
I think it's a bit too fluorescent....if that's what a real pink diamond looks like then I don't want one!!...another waste of P&P :-(
well there's definitely at least two of us Rooby...I've gone for the pink too...mind you with my track record it will probably be winging it's way back to them next week :-(
For some bizarre reason I got sucked into ideal world tonight and ordered the 'blockbuster'...Greased Lightning Showroom Shine....my husband's gonna flip when he finds out!!.....cos he's obsessed with cleaning the car the 'proper' way ....
has anyone used this stuff...is it any good (or should...