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  1. amn

    Molton Brown TSV 06/03/22

    To be fair I don’t think the smaller sizes in this one are at all bad - in fact I actually think they’ll come in really handy. I pre-ordered and mine came yesterday, and the small sizes aren’t so weeny they’re impossible to get the product out, they’re actually really useable sizes. I’ve a few...
  2. amn

    HiSense TSV 02/03/22

    Yep one of them was me. 😊 I know what you mean about whether you could live with a bigger one though- I remember when we first got a ‘big’ telly and we got the box in the house and I wondered what the hell we’d done as it looked huge. Within a day i couldn’t imagine ever having a smaller one...
  3. amn

    HiSense TSV 02/03/22

    * The TSV one is a 40” not a 43. We’ve a 43” one in the bedroom and I think its fine but I guess its all personal choice. My two are connected to Virgin boxes - one has an aerial connection as well. You could technically use with just an internet connection but it would make navigating ’live’...
  4. amn

    HiSense TSV 02/03/22

    I bought a Hisense telly last week too - a 43” like Sleepydove, which we got for upstairs- we already have a larger Hisense one in the living room which we’ve had a couple of years and have always been really happy with. I got the 43” one from Costco for £199 plus VAT, which includes a 5 year...
  5. amn

    Molton Brown TSV 06/03/22

    Stash audit - love it!! 🤣
  6. amn

    Poor Miceal

    I was down in Cornwall last Friday when Eunice was doing her worst, right slap bang in the middle of the red alert zone - it was pretty awful for sure - all the schools were closed, and i watched a roof come flying off. My friends who I’d been visiting lost power on Friday and it’s still off - a...
  7. amn

    Molton Brown TSV 06/03/22

    Thanks Ian. 👍🏽 I’m having both and I’m not even remotely sorry. 😁
  8. amn

    This Works pillow spray

    And me. Hence why I’m browsing the forum and replying to this thread at 3.48am…. 😑
  9. amn

    This Works pillow spray

    I’ve had the pillow spray and i think it smells divine. I didnt find it helped my sleeping one little bit but for a nice niff its lovely. 🤣
  10. amn

    Percy & Reed TSV 11/02/22

    I’ve ordered it. Mr Hairdresser (is he Mr Percy or Mr Reed? 🤔) bloke is veeeeeery easy on the eye. I wonder how much it would cost me for HIM to do my hair… 😏
  11. amn

    Is QVC Closing Down ...

    In those ‘good’ old days they just had a presenter on air, discussing the item, describing it in detail along with measurements and all sorts of detailed info. In other words, helpful stuff we’d like to know. Occasionally they’d have a guest on or an ‘expert’ - fair enough - but that was only...
  12. amn

    Is QVC Closing Down ...

    Me. I bought some trainers i’d been wanting for over a year that were reduced from £120 to £83, and I’m really quite pleased with them.
  13. amn

    Percy & Reed TSV 11/02/22

    Any views on this range anyone? 🤔
  14. amn

    Korres Beauty TSV 08/02/22

    I’ve never tried Korres, but my attention’s drawn to the Sea Salt flavour of this as i love the Coastal fragrances. 🤔
  15. amn

    Molton Brown TSV 06/03/22

    I think I’d need medication. 😮
  16. amn

    Before and After

    (googles where to buy ‘eyesential’ …)
  17. amn

    Before and After

    Sorry - skincare products.
  18. amn

    Before and After

    Is it just me that genuinely can’t see the difference? The presenters are seemingly beside themselves about what an amazing transformation there is and I really, honestly think they both look exactly the same. If I was flogging something like that and there was so little difference I certainly...
  19. amn

    Molton Brown TSV 06/03/22

    I’m down to about a dozen shower gels and only three hand washes in my stash. PANIC BUY……. 😮 and those are the ones we selflessly ’gift’ to friends and relations. 😌
  20. amn

    Molton Brown TSV 06/03/22

    Hoooorrraaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy I want to know what it iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssss!!! (even though I already know I shall be buying both options of whatever it turns out to be. 😉) 😜