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  1. I

    Behind The Scenes... Anything and everything you want to know

    Some live relatively local and will travel in every day. Some presenters work on the same 7 day fortnight as the crew, so never work more than 3 days in a row, so the commute isn't too bad. You also get some presenters that work on 7 days on, 7 days off. Typically for those who live a lot...
  2. I

    Behind The Scenes... Anything and everything you want to know

    This kind of question can become a bit iffy, as I said before I'm not here to be negative, or indeed make IW look positive. Just like in all jobs, there are good and bad people to work with. Some were quiet and some were loud. None of the guests I worked with were ever an issue. In general, what...
  3. I

    Behind The Scenes... Anything and everything you want to know

    Wasn't meant to cause offence. Was just demonstrating that the decisions are made much higher up than myself :)
  4. I

    Behind The Scenes... Anything and everything you want to know

    If it was up there for a long period of time, it will have been there as something on the set had happened, and it is the quickest and easiest way to hide it from the viewer. A camera could have gone down, the set could have came apart, someone could have spilt a drink. Any of these scenarios...
  5. I

    Behind The Scenes... Anything and everything you want to know

    I would have no real idea, no more than you would know what the CEO of your company earns. Rough figures are thrown around but again, not really something I'd divulge as it's the workings of television that I'm happy to explain, not personal salaries. For what it's worth, as a crew member...
  6. I

    Behind The Scenes... Anything and everything you want to know

    Unfortunately this isn't a question I can answer. I am purely an ex crew member. It's like asking a shelf stacker in tesco why Heinz baked beans aren't on offer this week, when you really like them. Simply not my domain. It's a question for people responsible for hiring, firing and the...
  7. I

    Behind The Scenes... Anything and everything you want to know

    It's completely legitimate, because it has to be. The presenters are fed live stock updates from the producers, into their ear. As you stated, it is illegal to lie, and in shopping telly, they are closely watched by OFCOM. With stock updates, the key is PERCENTAGES. Never do they mention...
  8. I

    Behind The Scenes... Anything and everything you want to know

    If you have any generic questions on shopping tv channels or television production in general I can probably answer these too, as they all work on a similar format.
  9. I

    Behind The Scenes... Anything and everything you want to know

    No chance of any Libel here. As i said, I'm not here to negatively show IW and C&C. I work in the television industry and would not risk losing that. I just wanted to address the behind the scenes questions you all have on such issues as repeats etc. I've read lots of skeptic comments. But it's...
  10. I

    Behind The Scenes... Anything and everything you want to know

    Hi everyone. I tried this once before and ended up with skeptics thinking it's an Ideal World PR exercise, so in the end I gave up. But maybe we can try again. I used to work for Ideal World and Create and Craft, around a year ago. I am still in the television circle so to speak and have...