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  1. M

    Garden Pick of the Month

    Interesting watching Ken from plants to garden he was selling double flowered tete a tete daffs saying your neighbours wont have these well ken sorry but they are freely available online in fact i just bought 20 for £5 cheaper than plants to garden so i pays to check before paying over the odds...
  2. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    yup picture looks odd slightly faded thats on virgin
  3. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    But Volovont sells it so well and P Simon says its extraordinary just buy it you will not regret it yeh right you are clearly pandering to people with limited knowledge of computing to sell this laptop when there is so much better for less money
  4. M

    When it's gone it's gone

    Thing is when its gone it usually comes back:mysmilie_17:
  5. M

    Is it true that IW is going to broadcast in HD on Freeview?

    And his famous saying this is quite simply blah blah feck off Peter sorry guys but he gets on my T**s
  6. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    By the way Simon bought the i phone he must have believed the b******t he was talking
  7. M

    Enjoy Your Garden TSV 11/05/19

    If it is J gauntlet no doubt she will have got her dad two for his sagging balcony
  8. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    punch him, bit aggressive mate know what you mean though he has a smug face you would never tire of slapping
  9. M

    Michael Perry's Garden TSV 27/04/19

    Biagi gets on my thrupennny bits he must have said and you get about seven times in the one sentence and dont you just love it when they say you might get this or that for an elderly relative as though we are all fecking disabled or something
  10. M

    Grow Your Garden TSV 22/04/19

    I have always said the presenters talk to much :mysmilie_11:
  11. M

    Grow Your Garden TSV 22/04/19

    I do wish the TandM guy would stop trying to do an impression of RJs voice growling his voice like he does most annoying
  12. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    The drill man again this morning had to laugh this morning when the drill bit fell out of the drill time for for a change of demos mate you are very boring,see what i did there boring a well never mind hope you all have a nice easter
  13. M

    Richard Jacksons Garden TSV 13/04/19

    I dont either i am either warm Or cold in this weather not good for the old bones still its great to get out in garden when sun shines it lifts the spirit :happy:
  14. M

    Michael Perry's Garden TSV 31/03/19

    To be honest the reviews on mont rose stuff is very iffy not that i buy much in the way of plants from qvc hope eveyrone enjoys theirs though and has great displays this summer :sun:
  15. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    Steady KimP you are being brainwashed:mysmilie_1:
  16. M

    Michael Perry's Garden TSV 31/03/19

    well candycane i have to say i have never seen a lily beetle either and have grown lilies over the year maybe its the areas of country who knows unless the little beggers were hiding from me:giggle:
  17. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    interesting on garden show this morning Poo Poo Howard introducing politics and talking about brexit with angela trying her best to shut him up makes a change from talking about bowels although he managed to talk about planting in old WCs could not help himself he does talk a lot of s**t though
  18. M

    Richard Jacksons Garden TSV 13/04/19

    apart from the usual suspects who always bum up RJs stuff
  19. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    He is one disgusting individual and i aint no prude he said the other night on a cooking show there was i sucking on an 8inch long pasta tube or words to that effect and getting the usual sniggers from behind the camera probably from youngsters just left school by the sound of it.:puke:
  20. M

    Love your Garden TSV/Garden Day 17/3/19

    yup her dad had one of the light lamposts his balcony must be bending with all the stuff he has and does she not just love to show off her home very nice for some