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  1. L

    CD's with errors

    But that is no excuse either. she learned to speak English when she was 11 years old & has a perfect understanding of the spoken word. She employs proof readers I presume. Her turnover of staff appears to be quite frequent.So proof reading is inconsistant. A friend of mine has a particular cd...
  2. L

    CD's with errors

    No it is not petty. I do not try to say that my grammar is perfect. I make mistakes too, but at least when I have them pointed out to me I am appreciative & do correct them. I am not arrogant or too stupid or proud to say well it's *poetic licence*. So thank you for that correction:)
  3. L

    CD's with errors

    I think originally it was a mistake, that the artist may not have known the difference. However now she is trying to say it was deliberate because it has *more character*.She would have been better admitting it was an error than saying it is deliberate. Mistakes of that type are understandable &...
  4. L

    CD's with errors

    I had never heard of Debbi Moore until 2 years ago & saw an advert for her Inspirations magazine in another craft magazine. I decided to subscribe to it. The magazine was issued every other month. When each copy arrived a cd was included with it. I looked at the magazines but not the cds at...
  5. L

    CD's with errors

    re:cd's with errors I have been posting on the C&C page about this. Consumer Advice are aware of it & so are Trading Standards & I am awaiting a call back from them.This has been ongoing for months. I get very mixed feedback. Some people are very supportive & totally agree that these errors...
  6. L

    CD's with errors

    yes, I can give examples. The author J.B. PRIESTLEY has the letter E twice in his name. On one of the faulty cd's the E has been omitted entirely. On another cd, HAPPY BIRTHDAY has an additional P in Happy, thus reading HAPPPY. Another error is in this quote* To love is to live life at it's...
  7. L

    CD's with errors

    Is Create & Craft/Ideal World really happy to sell CD's that have errors on them? Specifically grammatical errors, punctuation which the producer refuses ,yes REFUSES to correct despite knowing the errors are there. She makes the excuse that these are "poetic licence". Since when is poor grammar...