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  1. H

    Mike Smith thread?

    That wasn't my point. I just don't think a man can ever fully appreciate what a woman finds offensive! I felt for his asst that night as she looked so uncomfortable. He may of only been joking around but it was hard to watch TV.
  2. H

    Mike Smith thread?

    Very true. i just didn't like the way he was selling them. i found him creepy and sleazy. as did a fellow member. The wonderful thing about a forum is its a place to share opinions. i really look forward to hearing what everyone else makes of mike. The reason i assumed you are a man is my hubby...
  3. H

    Mike Smith thread?

    I was about to post on the thread about Mikes on-air antics the other night and its disappeared? how come? i thought the topic was in need of discussion. I was watching the other night and also felt uncomfortable with Mikes behaviour. i watched for about 5 minutes but had to flick over. i want...
  4. H

    dare we ask.............

    well i am very annoyed! so much so i have spent 30 minutes of my day reading gibberish on the ASA website. i cant believe they are allowed to advertise a 'sale' in the way they are doing when nothing is actually reduced in price. according to what i have read this is a direct and blatant...
  5. H

    dare we ask.............

    gave them 45 minutes of my life this morning in the hope that they might have some genuine bargains...but guess what ... nothing !!! same old, same old. waste of time...
  6. H

    Rocks TV to be rebranded as Gems TV Extra

    They will have to change more than just the name if they want my business back. First priority should be the chuff they sell, I can't remember the last time this channel tepted me! Followed closelyby the presenters who sell the chuff! For gods sake can anyone watch this channel with the sound...
  7. H

    How do they get away with it?

    are they supposed to be the cheapest place in the UK for absolutely everything they sell? surely thats impossible and not something i have ever heard them claim!
  8. H

    Georgio Armani watch????

    Well, I knew it was too good to be true. I bought a georgio Armani watch last week from Steve. At least he said it was Georgio Armani !! Got it today and it is a charity watch by 'whatever it takes'. I don't want to seem tight or uncharitable, but I thought I was buying my grandson a designer...
  9. H

    Breath Adina !

    Oh my goodness! I find watch Adina such a stressful experience. I wish someone would teach her how and when to draw breath. She talks incessantly untill every ounce of oxygen has left her lungs then she desperatly gulps some down like a thirsty camal. It's blooming awful to watch and has me...
  10. H

    Worst i seen in 10yrs

    I got one of those jump starters last year and it has saved me three times and helped a very grateful lady in Asda car park. Mine is yellow and fills up tyres with air. Starts the car and has a light, not sure what the 4th is?
  11. H

    2 minute silence

    Some things are more important than selling jewellery !
  12. H

    Scarey make-up

    Not a fan of Lynn. But when compared to the rest of them I surpose she is the best of a bad bunch! I find her really annoying/ shouty and patronising. But nearly as bad as the rest. It's pretty poor when their best presenter is the one you dislike the least ...
  13. H

    ****** shambles....

    here here Argey. Gems TV just seem really desperate, so much so it seems they have thrown all their morals and principals out the window in an attempt to grab viewers cash. star buys, rubbish about gold prices, patronising presenters, endless porky pies and unimaginative products.... the list...
  14. H

    ****** shambles....

    It felt like a final straw for me too. So ruddy disapointed in GEMS TV. I have watched and bought for several years. I don't spend fortunes but i would like to think of myself as a regular and valued customer. I wish they felt the same. I hate to say this but I think this is the worse they...
  15. H

    Paul Evers

    I like Paul Evers too. but i can understand people not liking him, i imagine he is a bit marmite. i just like that he tries so hard to keep you entertained. i always laugh when he is on. not many presenters you can say that about eh?:talking:
  16. H

    Sit up p&p vs High St. A presenters view.

    I feel really disgusted by this. What a con !
  17. H

    Sit up p&p vs High St. A presenters view.

    Oh my goodness that is awful. I have seen those computers on Price drop and almost got one for my god daughter. So it's NOT a laptop? What on earth is it then? No wonder it is so cheap! It's a good job I don't know more about electricals I would go straight to the advertising standards people to...
  18. H

    Sit up p&p vs High St. A presenters view.

    Great for towels. Bedding, perfume and other bits and bobs. Some stuff is over priced. But for me most stuff is good value. I can't think of a shop where EVERY single item is cheaper than EVERYWHERE else. So you have to pick and choose and be a selective buyer. For me I quite like being...
  19. H

    New gold advert

    I just watched a new advert on GEMS TV which i felt really patronised by. it showed one of the presenters buying 3 gold rings from high street stores and then telling us what she paid and then showing us the weight. Then in a really condescending way she tapped at the calculator and told us...
  20. H

    Inspired by......

    Surely saying a bracelet is inspired by a Tiffany design is 'taking unfair advantage of another brand'? I have heard presenters harp on about the brand. That inspired the piece more than the piece they are selling!! It drives me up the wall, I think 'was it really inspired by them? Or have you...