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  1. reddwarf

    Treatments .... update.

    Really? Gems need to send the item that they sold to you to Safeguard as otherwise they cannot tell you what has happened to it! Tut tut!!!:mysmilie_73: Are you going to? :mysmilie_701:
  2. reddwarf

    Adina is lovely

    My hubby always says she strikes him as dishevelled, he says he visualises her asleep on a bench and someone shakes her by the shoulder and says ''your on in 5'', next time you see her she is constantly running her fingers through her hair, snorting and holding rings!.......good job I am used to...
  3. reddwarf

    Adina is lovely

    Ooh sorry, I'm going to disagree too, round of applause for the weight she has lost but I can't get past the slurping between false enthusiasm and gurning at the camera. :mysmilie_12: Still, the old saying 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder' ........or 'one mans meat is another mans poison'...
  4. reddwarf

    We don't have the overheads of a high street store

    I really must make more effort to watch this dude, could do with a good laugh :mysmilie_697: I do agree, that is a very annoying line!!! :mysmilie_73:
  5. reddwarf


    :mysmilie_348: and welcome, You can't upset anyone just by expressing an opinion, what is a forum for if not this very purpose? I found the site in the first place because I was unhappy with Gems tv and that was years ago, sadly for me they have never won me over but others here have...
  6. reddwarf

    Could someone put me out of my misery

    Yes, don't they realise there is a forum full of women desperate now to see these earrings! Get a darn move on will you! :mysmilie_61: Sorry I can't help PG, haven't ordered anything for ages, in fact I think the last piece of gemstone jewellery I bought was October before last and not even...
  7. reddwarf

    So ... are we all ready for 10pm then?

    I have days where I watch and enjoy the presenting but then on another day, same presenter, same style it irritates me! I must be approaching a difficult age :mysmilie_61: The little I've seen of this guy he seems quite colourful, certainly different to the others so today I like him :mysmilie_12:
  8. reddwarf

    Whats happened to Adina?

    This is good news, I was even thinking of checking my tv setting incase it was that, thought it was on whatever is the opposite of widescreen for a moment :mysmilie_697: I'm not a fan of these no food diets though, everyone I've ever known do them has piled it all back on when they went back...
  9. reddwarf

    So ... are we all ready for 10pm then?

    Hang on....Where do I know this guy from? Is it Rocks tv? I'm getting to a point, as I've not kept up, where I'm a tad unsure what channel I am on :mysmilie_697:
  10. reddwarf

    Spice it up please!

    :mysmilie_61: Are you sure this isn't MY house your in? Why did I not see this before :mysmilie_81:, This is the answer! I must go out and get either this or a playstation to distract him :mysmilie_697: Thanks GC :mysmilie_696:
  11. reddwarf

    Placed an Order

    Maybe you will find them mysteriously left on your dressing table with a box of Milk Tray :mysmilie_61:
  12. reddwarf

    Spice it up please!

    Yes indeed, I like that term 'Man flicking'! :mysmilie_697: It is exactly like that here too, any sport, football, motor racing (was wind surfing once, I kid you not!) war docs or any old war film (which when questioned you get the same answer 'it's a classic') Holby City (we had tears this...
  13. reddwarf

    Whats happened to Adina?

    Good point, desk should be higher, Adina was leaning over the desk, looked very uncomfortable! :mysmilie_81:
  14. reddwarf

    Whats happened to Adina?

    Hahaha, yes I noticed that too! Maybe the coated diamond fiasco is costing them more than we thought and they've started selling the furnishings to help pay for it :mysmilie_697: I admit I haven't seen her for quite some time but she def looked to me like she has reduced somewhat! Even her...
  15. reddwarf

    Spice it up please!

    I only watch in small bursts for the same reason, makes me wonder how they all keep going really, sometimes as I flick from one channel to another (sorry PG, hope this isn't bringing up bad memories for ya LOL) only to find they are all doing such similar designs, it does get boring. :mysmilie_73:
  16. reddwarf

    Whats happened to Adina?

    I was watching Gems for a bit yesterday, snowed in and going stir crazy, still I digress!......what has happened to Adina? She looks half the size she was since I last saw her and I must say was looking pretty damn good! Has anyone else noticed???? :mysmilie_409:
  17. reddwarf

    Please don't shoot me down...

    If there was an award for best post this would be the winner! PG you have made my day! :mysmilie_61::mysmilie_61::mysmilie_61:
  18. reddwarf

    Who wouldn’t want this?

    I would say ''Yes'' ........even without hearing the question :mysmilie_697:
  19. reddwarf

    Placed an Order

    A-ha! So it isn't just me having difficulty then with the speed! I've been chatting on another forum at the same time inbetween posts to fill the time it is taking to browse and reply :mysmilie_61:
  20. reddwarf

    Please don't shoot me down...

    :mysmilie_17: I never see the late shift, one of two things happens in my house, I've either fallen asleep or lost control of the remote. :mysmilie_697: It has taken me ages to post this, is it just me but things seems sloooooooow :mysmilie_73: