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  1. Tabs

    QVC At It Again- Decleor Mens Facial Care Trio....

    Thanks Catkins, I'm expecting a call from a Manager any time now so we will see what,, if anything happens then.
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    QVC At It Again- Decleor Mens Facial Care Trio....

    Thanks Akimbo, I'm not holding my breath at all with them tho. Basically all i ask for is plain facts, if they oversold or whatever, not give me the run around so i have no clue where i stand. If the line manager dosen't talk some sense they can stick my other two orders currently in process, in...
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    Someone listening

    Wouldnt be suprised at all.
  4. Tabs

    QVC At It Again- Decleor Mens Facial Care Trio....

    Thanks Akimbo, Decleor may be my next port of call..."how disappointed i am at their quality control issues". After 2 phone calls from a Team Leader and getting more confused each time, my bloods way over boiling point. I'm currently awaiting a call from a Manager, as the Team Leader seems to...
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    Someone listening

    Shame they dont listen to all gripes tho isnt it!
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    QVC At It Again- Decleor Mens Facial Care Trio....

    Hi, I ordered 2 of this set on Sunday on the first live hour showing, as Fathers Day gifts. The items were showing as "in stock" at the time, and i phoned after ordering online to confirm the order. Within the last hour the status on my online account has changed from "in process" to "awaiting...
  7. Tabs

    Julia at it again...

    I'm gobsmacked Julia has said a model looked horrible in an outfit....imvho opinion madam roberts is due for a really large does of her own medicine! Julia you look horrible in a lot of what you wear too! But i doubt the models would be so mean and pretentious to say it to you!
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    Rush To The Phones

    I used to like DG as a presenter but lately she gets right up my nose! Its more a cash of "Reach for the remote" when she's on than rush to the phones. RE the bags....over priced tat, even at outlet prices, and i couldnt give a flying monkeys which celeb owns one!
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    Well done QVC

    Sometimes you can get a good un, who wants to help, but sometimes they are few and far between. Hope your replacement dress is perfect.
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    Keep, re-train, dump.

    Dump, JF, AD, AH, GC,DG,AY,JR Re-train- CH, CS,CR,PV Keep-DF,JB,CB The jury is out on the rest.
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    Lori Greiner

    Do as someone else stated and speak to a supervisor or manager, sorry to sound "off" but sometimes the normal operatives are unable to do anything that remotely includes thinking outside of the box (or bog standard responses list).
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    Claire Stewart- Where did she go??

    Thanks for that:up: is she still doing TV work do you know?
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    Is It Jamie?

    Good grief, Jamie has been replaced by Ally? The mind boggles, i know who i'd sooner watch, and not just for eye candy purposes either!
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    A Question

    I only buy what i like, not because its "fashionable, on-trend, or because some so called celeb" is wearing it.
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    An Afternoon Spoiled!

    I agree Stacey is way ott on the screach-ometer Twinny! And as for VB's safari theme wedding..i'm suprised your not in attendance yourself..sure you would be guest of honour! lol Hehe x
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    QVC - A Complete Joke!

    Diva, much as i agree with some of your points - AY, JF etc, i dont feel that having a guest room is so much a big deal, in reality JR guest room could quite possibly be one of her grown up childrens old bedroom. I'm much happier hearing about their guest rooms than JR/AD/DG holiday home abroad...
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    Charlie Bears - get a grip

    Simpering as you put it, they may be, but a couple in their 50's....i dont think they are that old.
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    Claire Stewart- Where did she go??

    I've been wondering today....What happened to Claire(sp) Stewart? She seemed to vanish from Sit-up channels, where did she disappear to? Anyone know?:thinking:
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    Who went for the bears?

    [/IMG] Here you go Ian..sorry it took me so long to post it.
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    Thank you, John Bennett

    I agree, the service of old seems to have been mislaid a little recently, and imo needs to be re-instated,it was after all this that made rockstv so attractive to us customers.