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  1. G

    Shame on channels that set CZ in Jewellery

    That's the problem with mudslinging. Those who do it always end up getting dirty themselves.
  2. G

    Shame on channels that set CZ in Jewellery

    So lemme get this straight... dull, grey, poor quality diamonds are fine, but using CZ in jewelery is bad, even if it's of decent/good quality and the sellers are honest about what it actually is? :confused2: I don't get it...
  3. G

    Really pleased

    Lovely jewelery! I like the yellow sapphire one. Very nice, bright and cheerful! It's so nice to have some good news for once. Maybe there is hope for the jewelery channels after all....:sun:
  4. G

    Exploitation of female presenters?

    Welcome to the forums, kaye! Hope you like it here!:mysmilie_357: Personally, I think with all the gimmicks, dubious claims, noisy and inappropriately dressed presenters etc. that maybe GemsTV are getting desperate. They can't rely on uniqueness, quality of their goods, good customer service or...
  5. G

    Worst Mother's Day Gift Idea Suggestion?

    Uhhh.... colon cleansing?:giggle:
  6. G

    Michele Hope New Collection

    What the...? What happened to that top? Did the designer change their mind half way through? Did they run out of fabric, or couldn't the manufacturers be bothered to add the other sleeve? Either way, it is...just...awful!
  7. G

    A big Thank You to Meeshoo

    Ditto. Thanks to her, I now know what to look out for and what to avoid when buying jewelery.
  8. G

    Had to laugh at Alison...

    This lady really needs to get with the times. Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Lopez are old hat. It's Cheryl and Kate that everyone has to imitate now! :wink: Seriously though, this made me think two things... 1. If these so called "experts" can't make the models look like...
  9. G

    The Shopping Devil's Dictionary

    OK, after recent events I've come up with some more entries. I hope it's ok. memorabilia (noun): cheap and tacky crap sold to make money off of some over hyped event (e.g. royal weddings). prolific (adjective): of plants, produces produces one teeny weeny flower/fruit a year, if you are lucky...
  10. G

    100 Things I Have learned from QVC..

    I've also learned that ... in spite of their possibly endless variations, female bodies can always be compared to some piece of fruit. ... in spite of their possibly endless variations, men only ever have one body type. ... in spite of their possibly endless variations, human skin tones can...
  11. G

    100 Things I Have learned from QVC..

    Some more things... * It is possible to sell jewelery that looks like it was designed under the influence of LSD. * Talking about the size of clothes you/others wear never gets old. * As well as "formal" and "casual" clothes, one needs a seperate outfit for each day to day task one does, such...
  12. G

    A rabbit on web firsts

    Gosh you must be really flexible! Or do you use a mirror or something. Either way, talk about hindsight! As for the ring... eeewww! Tacky doesn't even begin to describe it. What on earth were the designers smoking when they thought of that one? Mind you, the QVC website does have more than its...
  13. G

    Christmas Comes Early

    Flippin 'eck! They're at it again! Still, might come in handy if your guest start getting on your nerves...
  14. G

    Christmas Comes Early

    Well, there is only nine months to go. Better get out my advent's advent's advent's advent's advent's advent's advent's advent calendar. :tongue2:
  15. G

    Are we all upset because??????

    Yeah, it is a real shame. Back in the day (about six or seven years ago), me and my family used to watch the shows for hours. We were addicted! Admittedly, I didn't buy much from them. My mother once bought a ring for me and a pendant for my sister, but that was it. Nowadays things have really...
  16. G

    Fruit salad anyone

    Me? I'm more of a durian type (*ahem*especially when I haven't showered for a while).
  17. G

    Eletech ??

    As far as I know, Elitech seems to be one of their own brands. That could explain why information on them is so scarce...
  18. G

    £100 Jeggings!

    Cool. Maybe for that price I should get five pairs. I'll have to wait for my money tree to ripen first though. Shouldn't be long...:cash::cash:
  19. G

    Another Newbie here - sorry!

    Hey there! Welcome to the forums!
  20. G

    Silver Day Prices

    Probably sh*tty brown quartz. I've found that any gemstone named after a drink (eg cognac, champagne or mocha diamonds/pearls/quartz) is usually sh*tty brown.