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  1. Charlies Girl

    QVC Cards

    GE Capital!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've had dealings with these in the past. To be avoided at all costs is all I will say
  2. Charlies Girl

    Nigel The Crafting Expert?

    I don't know. IW seem to be showing recordings mixed in with the odd live show.
  3. Charlies Girl

    Nigel The Crafting Expert?

    :12: Somebody has to.
  4. Charlies Girl

    Nigel The Crafting Expert?

    How come every time I flick IW on and there's crafting on Nigel is on. Is he a crafting expert now? I've flicked on this morning and its crafting - again - and he's on - again. And as for that shirt..................
  5. Charlies Girl

    This doesn't sound too good...

    I have to say I hope IW manage to turn things around. And while I have some presenters I don't like I would never wish them to loose their job.
  6. Charlies Girl

    Another boring day on IW

    Here I am lying in bed full of cold feeling absolutley dreadful then I flick on IW to see Howard! Instant pick up. (When you feel this ill anything helps) (I have to agree the choice of programmes is rubbish. Think I'll go back to watching the cricket.)
  7. Charlies Girl

    Say something nice about IW

    Howard Griffiths!
  8. Charlies Girl

    Moira C Mothers Day Limited Edition Scarflace

    Ooh goody another pressie for my mother in law!!!!!!
  9. Charlies Girl

    Prof Amos

    I couldn't watch him. He was to hyper for me
  10. Charlies Girl

    How surreal

    I've bought one for my mother in law. I can't stand the woman so its an ideal pressie me thinks!!!!!!
  11. Charlies Girl

    Presenters' DVDs!

    I'm sure I could think of one:13:
  12. Charlies Girl

    Pocket Surfer

    One of my friends bought one of these and sent it straight back. The screen was to small for her and she said loading pages took forever. She has since bought a notebook - not from IW - and is delighted withit.
  13. Charlies Girl

    Our Mate Jules

    My fave presenters are Charlie, Anthony and Julian in that order.
  14. Charlies Girl

    Daz Music Lounge Offer

    Thanks for the warning and sorry you had to find out this way. I was thinking of buying it. Don't think I'll bother now. Will you be sending it back?
  15. Charlies Girl

    Daniel the new boy on today

    The guy is a strange colour. Watched him but he's not my cup of tea. To smarmy.
  16. Charlies Girl

    Valentines day gifts show on monday

    Oh please!:26:
  17. Charlies Girl

    Valentines day gifts show on monday

    Its a good job I'm not easliy offended:1:
  18. Charlies Girl

    Valentines day gifts show on monday

    Oh it has to be with:7:
  19. Charlies Girl

    Eyes down for Anthony Heywood

    I am.:7: Just because you are on a diet doesn't mean you can't look at the menu
  20. Charlies Girl

    Eyes down for Anthony Heywood

    So is he leaving or not? I've been a fan of Anthonys since his days on SHOP! when he was teamed with Dean Wilson. What a double act.