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  1. D

    Isn't A Request Just That??

    I was watching yesterday, when something happened which really upset me. Now I know the presenter is new, but what was said, and implied, was IMHO not right. Someone requested an item, which was put up for auction, and someone else bought it. Fair enough?? All's fair in love and auctions...
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    Is it just me....

    I lurk now all the time (while I work - lol). I have to say though that I think a lot of it depends on who's presenting. Some people respond to the chat room a lot, while others hardly even notice what is going on in the chat room and spend most of their time talking to the 'crew'. IMHO it...
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    Reasonable questions in chat

    Aw Daz - not nice!!! I wasn't there, but I can just imagine who it was lol. Totally unnecessary to say anything nasty - especially to someone like you. However, unnecessary to say anything nasty to anyone. Just ignore any comments like that - you know that you're a better person - and you...
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    New request system

    Excellent system, well done John. Just what was needed - especially stopping those lazy people who just shout out in chat 'have you got those in another gemstone?' instead of taking the time to go into CR and look for themselves. Surely, the presenters are intelligent enough to realise that...
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    ASA Complaint

    Well done Meeshoo - I have never bought anything from Rocks & Co - they drive me so mad watching them - apart from John - that I haven't been able to bring myself to. I really hope you get the response you need from this, because it appears to me that there is a big problem, from having read...
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    Vicky Burton will you please wheesht!

    I tend to watch this channel during the adverts on other channels. This has been going on for ages - interrupting TD when he is trying to say something. How long before he decides it's not worth his time sitting there with them?? Did you notice the little smiles on his face after he had been...
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    Ring Sizes?

    I have to say that I think everyone is being a bit hard on Rockstv!! They are still a new and small company, and yet, within their first year they have made this enormous effort to try and help their customers by introducing a variety of ring sizes to suit the majority? Look at the other...
  8. D

    Anybody noticed ?

    Hi I drop in and out of chat because I usually have rockstv on at work - as I mostly work on my own in an office, it is good company. I have said in the past, and I stand by what I said, which is, any group - of whatever kind, will appear to an 'outsider' as cliquey, because people within the...
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    banner ad

    I totally agree - supposed to give the 'Indiana Jones' impression - how far from Harrison Ford can you get??? Sorry not meant to be a personal comment against Tony - it's against the advertisers. Poor guy, he sits there TRYING to tell his story and is constantly getting cut off in his prime by...
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    kunzite loose stone

    That really is a fantastic stone, and an amazing colour too. Shame the pics are never as good as the real thing, but I think you have done really well from that point too!! PLEASE let us see the pendant when you finally get it made. Well done. I'm really, really happy for you xx
  11. D

    Some of my collection

    Wow Kaite Amazing bling you have, and fantastic photo's - honestly I think the best I've seen on any posts so far!!!!! You have a beautiful collection there and a great variety, as well as a good cross of rings, bracelets/bangles, pendants and earrings - amazing. Thanks very much for taking...
  12. D

    Rocks.TV Charity Auction

    Well done Steve. Despite all your wealth you are obviously a man who really enjoys his work and just being one of the 'ordinary' people. You spend your time giving us the ability to be able to have a little bit of what you have. I, for one, certainly appreciate what you do, and have done...
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    Would Like Your Views, Please

    Hi All I certainly know who you are talking about because I (stupidly) partly went to that person's defence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This caused a falling out with someone else in chat, which I was, and still am, very upset about. I was told that the 'nice' person was ok about it all, but I know...
  14. D

    Chat room update

    I haven't been on Shopping Telly for months and months. However, reading the last few postings I felt I wanted to add a little piece myself. I watch Rockstv when I'm at work (shouldn't admit it here, buy hey-ho!!). Sometimes I slip into chat and sometimes I just read it. HOWEVER, when I'm...
  15. D

    Chat room update

    Chat Room Hi Steve Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to reply to all those emails which must have almost drowned you. Thanks for explaining the reasons behind splitting the chat rooms - and now it has been properly explained I can totally understand your reasoning for it. I'm...