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  1. D


    Appalling amount of gold for such a big stone. You notice that they only tell you the amount of gold in their rings whe, for a change, they have a decent amount - eg 11gms in one ring last night. Wow, they must have been saving up to put that amount into one ring lol.
  2. D

    Is the gemstone buyer colour blind?

    I had actually flicked over when they were auctioning this 'pink' tanzanite. Oh, they were so proud of it - they had only 3 stones in the whole world, only ever had three, and this was the biggest of them!!!!!! The other two were different. Tony had only agreed to buy the parcel of tanzanite...
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    Ms Burton I'll take the challenge!

    Klos you are brilliant, and everything you say is so true. However, when you are sitting watching this programme Miss VD (oops B) can be so convincing that if you haven't visited this forum, or know nothing about gems, (as a lot of us were in this situation - before being incredibly well...
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    Misleading Nonsense

    It actually makes me wonder how the presenters can allow themselves to be manipulated in this way. Have they no integrity???? Or, are jobs so hard to find these days that they are willing to sell their souls to the 'devil'?? Surely their own personal morals wouldn't allow them to be spouting...
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    Hi Matt, welcome and congratulations. What an asset to rockstv you will be. I think you did really well yesterday, and I will really enjoy watching you again, and enjoying your dry sense of humour. I do think that Matt and Alan will get on very well together and bounce off each other well...
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    This is Getting Silly!

    You are sooooo right. I watch gems but DON'T buy. In fact I haven't bought anything from them for over 4 years now!!! There is only one channel I WILL buy and that is rockstv!!!! Simply the best!!!
  7. D

    Rod Jinks and Matt MacNamara join Rocks TV

    That's really great news - was very sad when Emma left, but will be really pleased to see Rod and Matt on Rockstv - excellent news!!!!!!!!!!!! :clapping: :clapping:
  8. D

    Woo Hoo! Look look look!

    Woweeee that is just the most gorgeous ring!!!! What a fab design and great choice of metal too. Something I will definitely keep in mind as I have a few stones which need mounting. Well done in the design too, I think it is so original and now you have an absolute stunner of a ring!!
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    I give up!!!!!!

    Sorry a bit late on posting. I am not on vista, but suddenly at the end of last week, I think, I was able to log in and stay logged in - even when changing pages - woohoo. I hope I haven't just jinxed myself. Sorry for those of you still having problems, and I really, really hope it isn't...
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    How Low Can We Go! ......Gold Weight

    Weeellll now you have really challenged them lol!!! Hold this space......
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    Does anyone else really like this?

    Have to say I don't like the design, but I really like the colours they've put together.
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    Obvioiusly it would increase Rockstv customer base enormously if they did go on live TV. However, I think their prices would have to rise as well - which would be a down side for us. Personally though, and this is being totally selfish - I hope they DON'T go onto live TV - I like the...
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    Savage4x - where are you?

    Slunk underground me thinks.....
  14. D

    The Kindness of Tony Diniz

    I just happened to be watching this little snippet of history as well. Tony was getting VERY cross (or so it appeared) - refused to talk to VB at all and basically looked as if he was going to walk off. HOWEVER, when the person finally bought this boulder at the 'final' price - suddenly his...
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    I give up!!!!!!

    Hi John I get 'Page Loaded' at the top of the page, and then blank white page.
  16. D

    I give up!!!!!!

    I have done this in the past - trouble is though, I DON'T want to have to delete cookies every time (everyday) to get into Rockstv - because I have so many sites (to do with work - lol) that I'm automatically logged in to when I go and them, and it's a complete pain having to relog into those...
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    I give up!!!!!!

    I used to be able to log in with no probs at all - even when everyone else seemed to having all their problems. Then about 3 or 4 days ago, I was able to log in, then when I clicked the buy button, or refresh or 'high' I got chucked out, when I tried to log back in, I was directed to the log in...
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    Colour Matched????

    I thought white gold was always that colour!!!!! :tongue2::tongue2: :cheeky::cheeky:
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    I give up!!!!!!

    I'm getting a very similar situation to Gemcherub and Fluff. I'm logged in until I want to buy when I hit the buy button and get chucked out. When I try to log in again, I go to the signing in page, but my details are already there, email and password, and it says I am logged in. So, I click...
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    "Happy Birthday To Barry!!

    Oh dear - late as usual. Too busy working!!!! Hope you had a really, really, really great birthday - sorry it's late!!!!! :wave2: