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  1. D

    "how to buy"

    Has he been sleeping at Gemstv studios??? PLEASE change your shirt from one day to the next!!!! Not nice at all to see someone wearing the same clothes for two consequetive days (sp??). All I could think of was BO every time he lifted his arm to point at the price eeeeeeewwwwwwwwww.
  2. D


    I think a big part of the problem arises because the caller is obviously nervous about being 'on tv' etc. The presenter is therefore trying as hard as possible to put them at their ease - the easiest way being is to ask them easy to answer questions. Which, when you're sitting at home may well...
  3. D

    The return of Rocks TV

    I would like to echo Mirabelle's sentiments too. All the best for the future - on your side and our side too. It has been a rough ride geetting your system changed over - no surprise there...computers always throw up wobbleys when you don't want them to. Anyway, really looking forward...
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    Barry Curbey

    Aww thanks Beady Belle - I didn't know that - that's a lovely sentiment too - and a very special reason for wearing a ring too.
  5. D

    Unable to Log-in

    I have windows xp and using IE - so far all seems fine - could be the end of that though lol. Hopefully all the gremlins will be sorted quickly - so frustrating for everyone!!! Just keep thinking of your credit cards though, how much you are saving!! HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone xx
  6. D

    Barry Curbey

    I agree with all the above - and knowing what a 'trooper' Barry is I think it should be his decision - also, perhaps he needs a little 'soap and water' to help - no offence meant Barry - just adding a little note. You may have noticed Steve Bennett wearing a ring during his presenting - not a...
  7. D

    Finally - Milano Bracelet - Oh Dear Me!!

    Well, I finally got the two bracelets I'd ordered - to arrive before Christmas - unfortunately the DPD man couldn't get through the snow. However, they will both have to go back. They are TINY!!! I haven't got big hands or wrists - all the bangles have fitted me - but these are really tight -...
  8. D

    Best and Worst!

    None really I only hop in and out of this channel. However, whilst hopping in yesterday. Lucy was on - during some clearance 'thing' only to be seen and heard saying - whilst price was crashing, and she was getting all ready to yell out the clearance price...'oops, I must be careful and calm...
  9. D

    Clearance bargains!

    I can let you have a £10 argos voucher :mysmilie_61: :mysmilie_697::mysmilie_17:
  10. D

    Milano Charms Bracelets

    THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH JOHN!!! I've just been watching Rocks online and Jamie has just shown us one of the bracelets. They look gorgeous - well worth the wait - AND just in time for Chrimbo!!!! Thanks so much all of you for your hard work in getting them sorted for us - I, for one, really...
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    Milano Charms Bracelets

    Thanks Meeshoo, I have been looking around for something which will act as a 'silver' stand in until I can get the real ones. Much appreciated, and I hope you have a great Christmas.
  12. D

    Milano Charms Bracelets

    I know we have been harping on about 'when are the bracelets coming' - and the reply has always been - not sure, but hopefully before Christmas. I have to say that I am VERY upset indeed that these bracelets have not arrived in time for Christmas. I have been madly collecting the charms for...
  13. D

    atlantic crossing

    Many, many congratulations to you all. Firstly for finishing in one piece and with the same number that started!!!! Secondly for winning your boat class - what an achievement!!!!!. Thirdly for raising all that money for your charity!!!! What an exciting adventure - you do realise that...
  14. D

    "Stocking filler prices"?!

    Me three - honestly are they having a 'dig' at us 'normal' people and implying that maybe we aren't actually good enough for their glorious channel??? Only people who have a safe hidden behind a priceless Picasso, or someone with money to 'waste' are the sort of people they want buying their...
  15. D

    Steve Bennett at halfway point

    That's great news - I'm sure we are all wishing them all the best for the rest of their trip. What an amazing adventure to go on - and as already commented on (it was my first thought I have to say) - Sarah must be having nightmares and 'daymares' about them all - but particularly her little...
  16. D

    Update - coated diamonds!

    Well, what can you say - tut, tut, tut, and thanks for that info too
  17. D


    Soz Klos - I do remember having seen you mention this before when others have commented on moissanite. I,m definitely not knocking anyone who has bought any Moissanite - and I appreciate that it is expensive - and people wouldn't pay that much for something if they didn't think it was worth...
  18. D


    Hate to admit it, but I did watch some of that awful programme. I'm pleased to say that I DID pick the real diamond out each time Adina said, 'I bet you can't tell which is the real diamond'!!! I really cannot understand the need to be selling this 'stuff' - first they sell moisonitte ('scuse...
  19. D

    Oops- slip of the tongue there?

    Hehehehehe - you do make me laugh Klos - nothing better than stating the obvious to those poor people who don't know what's going on in the world. :tongue2: :tongue2:
  20. D

    "I"ve been speaking with management ...."

    He and VB were selling some stuff last night - including this enormous fancy saphire necklace - which ended up at either £1,999 or £2,999 - can't remember. However, I do remember TD saying that if he wasn't there he'd buy it himself HAHAHAHAHAHA :tongue2: :tongue2: