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  1. mummy bear

    Email re payment card problems

    ive been told my order is coming today between 4.05pm and 5.05pm now thats precise and great news for the busy folk who work and do school run etc thanks John x
  2. mummy bear

    Banned from Rocks TV

    lol ive not even been on rocks at all since monday for fear of going off topic and getting bashed for it lol so i guess :mysmilie_11: from me
  3. mummy bear

    Email re payment card problems

    i also got the email so thanks John for sorting things.
  4. mummy bear

    Banned from Rocks TV

    well i doubt i'll be posting on rocks chat as much now if at all for paranoia and fear of getting bashed on here if i go "off topic" so you may get the odd hello but that will prob be all :(
  5. mummy bear

    GemsTV bring back the middle men

    personally i think gems tv should now bow out with any dignity they have left.
  6. mummy bear

    Fed up

    well i got one of the bangles thanks to Tony who actually rang me to make sure i was watching. So a HUGE thanks to Steve and Tony who sorted it for me im a very happy bunny now so happy infact ive already checked out so i can get it asap lol
  7. mummy bear

    Banned from Rocks TV

    ah man i always miss it when it kicks off lol
  8. mummy bear

    Adina "exclusive...but available elsewhere" ?!

    so much for the we only sell genuine gemstones hahahaha why now bow out now gems!!
  9. mummy bear

    Adina is lovely

    personally i cant stand her or her constant slurping and wow ing and i will not mention her manky finger nails lol she looks like shes been digging the garden with them sorry i just cant stand her.
  10. mummy bear

    For Our Daz

    hahaha id give you a run for your money Steve lol
  11. mummy bear

    Fed up

    wow what a quick response thanks Steve can i please have the 2.75 inch fuschia agate one. Thanks again loves ya :mysmilie_12: :mysmilie_17:
  12. mummy bear

    For Our Daz

    i thought id not seen him for a while. so here goes. Hey Dazzle hope your feeling better soon buddy the st forum and rocks chat is just not the same with out you. Get well soon hunnie we miss ya xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  13. mummy bear

    New Presenter?

    ive never heard of her lol
  14. mummy bear

    Fed up

    Im sooooo fed up as many of you know ive been after the 2.75" fuschia agate bangle for about 3 weeks now. Well it was on yesterday at £11 i clicked buy and got booted out:( so sarah said she would get it on for me today in the am so i sat and waited. As i was in live help for somethng else i...
  15. mummy bear

    I Want Ma Bling! *sniff*

    i had the same thing email to say order received and should arrive today (friday) and when i get home from school run ready to wait in all day i get email saying its been despatched TODAY and should arrive YESTERDAY so now i have to wait untill monday or tuesday for it so cant go out those days...
  16. mummy bear

    New Presenter?

    could it be Vicky burton????
  17. mummy bear

    Chat names

    can you guess who i am on rocks???? lol
  18. mummy bear

    chat box

    we do miss it but i dont think they have time to read it now what with them being live on tv. Its a shame tho
  19. mummy bear


    Ok so why then come on a forum where you know most of said cringeworthy callers would be ?? And fyi when said cringeworthy callers were calling in rocks had technical isseus so could not auction any items anyway.
  20. mummy bear


    There is criticising a chanel then there is being horrible about people which you have been. Nobody invited you here to be nasty to other folk. By all means put forward you points regarding channels and they way they do buissness but please dont be nasty about people who call in, some of which...