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    Jilly Halliday

    I actually don't mind her, but agree about the hair thing. She's never been the same since she stopped appearing in Little Britain..........
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    Is Jill Franks Pregnant?

    I doubt very much that she is pregnant......................looks the sort that would faint at the sight of a dirty nappy. Just don't think she is the mothering kind, I think she is happy with just the hubby and the dogs.
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    Harold Gloockler.

    I loved mad as a box of frogs, but very entertaining in a weird sort of way. JULIA.............those tatty (and by now rather smelly and yukky) toe post sandals looked way out of place with that dress...................what were you thinking, or are you reading our posts and just...
  4. D

    New shoes?

    Yes, I saw the shoes too.......thought I'd had one too many bevvies. They looked quite nice as well. But yep, the bingo wings were definitely a swinging. Still she's changed the shoes so we mustn't grumble.
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    No "bashing" the QVC Presenters Thread

    Actually, I can take or leave all of them.........some days they get up my nose, some days they are watchable. If I really had to choose one over the other it would be Alison Keenan, I know she spouts on at 90 miles an hour, but she's someone who I wouldn't mind going out for a drink with. I...
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    Morning Show competition

    I think I will give it a miss..........besides, Kathy never seems compus mentus to me at that time of a morning.
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    Whoopee Kelly Hoppen on at 3.00 pm....

    She also mentioned that one of the throws she has on her beds in the country. So that's a house in London, a house abroad and a house in the country then. Craig surely must be thinking "snooty cow" (lol).
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    Whoopee Kelly Hoppen on at 3.00 pm....

    Forelock dear............................what were you thinking about (lol):tongue: Lots of beige and white going on by the looks of it..........................Oooooh yippee:rock:
  9. D

    Whoopee Kelly Hoppen on at 3.00 pm....

    I can't wait, I am soooooooo excited to see her happy smiling face (not):puke: I wonder what delightful white and beige delights she will be showing................oh and she's on with Smirky Dale, who will no doubt be creeping up to her and tugging at his forelock:down:
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    QVC Easy Pay Beware charging twice

    My situation is the opposite, as about 3 times now I have wanted to pay by a one off payment, and yet they take it out in instalments mess up in my eyes. I think they want to get a grip in their Accounts Department. Still it isn't as bad as what has happened to...
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    From Cow Girl to Trolley Dolly

    Yes I agree:giggle::giggle: She does have that chewing a wasp sort of face doesn't she?:grin:
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    OH no, Kelly Hoppen's new collection

    Just spotted HRH Kelly Hoppen on Twitter spouting that she is going to Paris next week to show her new collection.........................and new book (aaaarrrrggghhh). I suppose it'll be a TSV then at some point..........oooooh I can't wait:giggle: Any ideas what she may have in this new...
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    Joy looks best in Tiana B

    I'm not in the least bit impressed with the very loud patterns on the dresses, and yes they do look shapeless on the skinnier models. JR put a belt round hers, and said that is how she preferred to wear still looked a b*gger though. Certainly not worth the money, you can get far...
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    Lola Rose OTO Fri 14th Jan 10pm?

    Am I the only one getting a little bored with the Lola Rose's the same old same old.
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    Gorgeous Dresses

    They are lovely dresses.......a bit different to their usual stuff. Did someone pressurise poor Kathy to put that dress on I wonder, it looks as if she could have done with the next size up and it isn't doing her any favours at all.
  16. D

    Julian Ballantyne being a complete ***

    I have ordered a couple of items from a different source to QVC, and spent a lot less on the P & P............and guess what they only took a couple of days to arrive. QVC you are completely out of order.........................if you don't shape up pretty soon, I am afraid I think you will be...
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    A bit of gossip....

    Don't hold your breath, if it is anything to do with will just be the same old same old of "I really want to move on with my life and be happy in 2011 blah blah blah. Me and my goats and dogs just want to move on this year and be happy with all the money I take...
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    First post...a good moan!

    I love this forum, so many varied views.......................we may agree, we may not, but we have freedom of speech in this country, so let's voice it. If you don't want to participate in a good argument........................then don't. If you don't like what you read............don't...
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    Sorry to say..

    I was watching too last night. OMG what a pair (lol).. Julia said that Marjolene's neck is that of a woman a lot younger..........................a pity she didn't look up a bit further to her deeply lined aged face. I had to turn it off after about 15 minutes, I couldn't do with Marjolene...
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    Saturday morning with the gnome

    He's just heard what you've been saying about him, and his answer to you all is......................